View Full Version : New Vector Conform feature

10-04-2010, 10:35 AM
first line of Changelog for 1.175:
"Added Vector Conform feature, which allows vector paths to be mapped to a surface"

This is a feature I requested a while back, but I am lost on how to use it. Anyone familiar with this?

10-04-2010, 11:48 AM

That feature allows a vector (that you have assigned a bit for) to "flow" over contours... and, perhaps most exciting, it allows us to do Centerline text within a Carve Region!!!

Example 1:

1) Make a Carve Region
2) Place some Centerline Text in it
3) You will see that Centerline will now work within the carve region with no risky "workarounds"

Example 2:

1) Create a domed shape
2) Draw some vectors over it
3) Assign a bit to the vector(s)
4) You will see that the depth assigned to the bit will "flow" evenly over irregular shapes/domes/etc.

10-04-2010, 12:41 PM
That was one of the great missing feature of the designer software, thanks for including this!

10-04-2010, 12:56 PM
That was one of the great missing feature of the designer software, thanks for including this!

Hi Pratyeka,

I believe the Conform Vector feature will be an add-on option (like STL,DXF,Centerline, although it will likely be very modestly priced). The newest version of Designer has been programmed to accept the option (similar to what was done in previous versions to be able to accept the other optional add-ons).

10-04-2010, 01:12 PM
It is great that this feature is finally implemented, it is long overdue. But why does it only work in "demo" mode and not allowed to be saved or uploaded on my software. I hope we are not going to have to pay $$$$ for this!

Edit: Missed the last post. That really stinks if we have to pay! This should be considered an improvement on existing software, not an additional feature.

10-04-2010, 01:24 PM

The programmers have been very busy making "Demo Modes" to enable users to test/try optional add-on features, which is really nice. I believe we can now "test drive" all the options, including STL, DXF, CenterLine and the new Conform Vectors option.

10-04-2010, 01:32 PM
Thanks MT, that is interesting news.....


10-04-2010, 01:40 PM
Thanks MT, that is interesting news.....


Hi AL,

The Conform Vectors option is the "neat thing" that I couldn't tell you about during our phone conversation. I kinda figured you would find it exciting!

EDIT: I added some quicky screenshots using the Conform Vector option

10-04-2010, 02:34 PM
MT, I was really really really hoping it was a feed rate slider for Cut Path.........

I did enjoy our over 4 hour converstion.... That has lead me to talking to Mario the Tool Talker Guy a few times.... He is making a production version or a beta version.... I might find myself a tester....

He knows the "Secrets" of the DB 25 Connector on the back of the machine as he is using that to interface the talker... I would love to know the secrets too but that would be a violation of the trust between LHR and Mario so I did not even ask.

I did get LHR's Attention with my last Feed Rate RANT.... So the ball is back in the Programmers Court and I will go back to normal advice giving and get off my soap box.... It could be moisture content of the wood that caused my last 1/8 inch bit to break.... My sign that I cut with the 3/8 inch bit using the Modern Font and Outline sat a week with primer and brown paint. I went to paint the letters last night and the letters were undercut..... ????? The only way the sides of the 3/8 inch bit letters with flush cut sided could become undercut is for the below the surface wood to SHRINK..... I need to find my Moisture Meter and check the boards from my new Wood Source...... A Lumber Mill, selling Kiln Dried wood for 1/2 of my lumber yard.... So that may account for the strange sound doing a cut path at .4 per pass.

Enough of this rant.... Off Topic....

Thanks Buddy,


10-04-2010, 02:52 PM

Will this only work with shapes created in designer or will this work over a pattern?

10-04-2010, 03:30 PM
Yes, it works over patterns.

10-04-2010, 03:36 PM

The programmers have been very busy making "Demo Modes" to enable users to test/try optional add-on features, which is really nice. I believe we can now "test drive" all the options, including STL, DXF, CenterLine and the new Conform Vectors option.

Is Confoam Vector included in the 1.175 or is it going to come later as an add-on. I am running on 1.170--It looks to be time to down load new new upgrade Designer. Would you agree?

10-04-2010, 03:58 PM
I believe the Conform Vector feature will be an add-on option (like STL,DXF,Centerline, although it will likely be very modestly priced). The newest version of Designer has been programmed to accept the option (similar to what was done in previous versions to be able to accept the other optional add-ons).

Ok so the worm is on the hook and has been dangled out in front of us with the conform vector feature. From what I've been able to pick out of this is that it is not an active feature in the upgrade but will need a code to activate it. Right?

If so what is the guesstimated cost of the new feature?

10-04-2010, 04:59 PM

Will this only work with shapes created in designer or will this work over a pattern?

Hi John,

Yes, it works over any shape! (see photo)

10-04-2010, 05:07 PM
Question? If you buy a PTN or find one on the forum that was made with the Conform Vector feature, do you need to own the code to use the Pattern?

10-04-2010, 05:15 PM
... From what I've been able to pick out of this is that it is not an active feature in the upgrade but will need a code to activate it. Right?

Hi Floyd,

Yes, it will require a license similar to STL, DXF, etc.

If so what is the guesstimated cost of the new feature?

I believe the official release/price info is forthcoming very soon.

10-04-2010, 05:25 PM
Hi Floyd,

Yes, it will require a license similar to STL, DXF, etc.

I believe the official release/price info is forthcoming very soon.

Thanks for the verification on this.. this should add an all new feature for the machine and looking forward to using it..

Side note: Had a great visit (several in fact) with John Cockrell. I know he sure missed meeting up with you in Az last month. Thanks for sending him my way!!

10-04-2010, 05:28 PM

Thanks for the additional info on this. This update opens up an all new carving feature for the machine!!

Additional note: John Cockrell,, Had a great visit (several in fact) and I know he sure missed not being able to connect with you on your trip to AZ.. Great guy to visit with and thanks for sending him my way..

Yes Sir!

I sure wanted to meet John in person, but his travel schedule didn't match up with mine this time. Glad you got the chance to have a visit! You're right...he's a great guy.

10-04-2010, 05:33 PM
Question? If you buy a PTN or find one on the forum that was made with the Conform Vector feature, do you need to own the code to use the Pattern?

No, because if someone created a pattern with the Conform Vector incorporated in it (something I never even thought to try out), the entire pattern would automatically be converted to a regular raster carve.

Of course, if we're talkin' CenterLine Text in a Carve Region, a raster carve isn't going to be nearly as neat or nice looking as a true vector carve.

10-04-2010, 05:55 PM
Conform is a kick.. Curved routs for guitar frets is now possible!!! not to mention inlays using wood binding and colored epoxy..


10-04-2010, 05:58 PM
I really have to admit, --- I'm a sucker for new up-grade stuff like this

Capt Bruce
10-04-2010, 06:54 PM
Can't wait for this to be implemented and available. Centerline has been the greatest feature of the CW and Designer and this expands the design features more than anything used to date for me. The mind reels with designs and layers never tried before for fear of messing up a piece while trying to trick the machine. Bring it on . . Please.

10-04-2010, 06:58 PM
I still haven't heard the reply to what the guesstimated cost of the new feature is gonna be, any ideas yet? From what I see like on the shell picture and the text it looks like the carve of the lettering maintains equal depth over the shell carving. Is this correct on what this conform feature does? Thanks


Smoken D
10-04-2010, 07:22 PM
Even I can see the advantage to that sucker. Take a lot of hard work and made is simple from one program. NICE!
Just got the e-mule about it from LHR. Looks like the cost will be $49.99

10-04-2010, 08:23 PM
I see that LHR came up with a way to carve within a carved area, Great. However, the upgrade should of with the cost of the CenterLine software. I don't see how LHR can justify an additional fifty dollars for a upgrade that should of been with the CenterLine software to begin with. Sorry, but I don't see the value here.

10-04-2010, 08:35 PM
I still say $50 is a lot for a feature that in my opinion should have been present in the software to begin with. One of the main reasons I chose the CW was because the software was more user friendly and all-in-one than the competitors. Now if a person wants all of the software available they should count on $750 over the cost of the machine. So, I'll hold off until I need it. I am glad the solution exists if I do need it some day. Being able to demo the features is a nice thing. Just my opinion.

10-04-2010, 09:11 PM
50.00? sweet, thats less that two new carbide bit's, from a testing stand point we have more man hrs testing it than 50.00 bucks but this is why it's a optional buy. " insert happy face"

10-04-2010, 10:01 PM
Fifty Bucks.... I will be buying it.... It will save me TIME doing the Maltese Cross clocks and this opens the door for some interesting stuff....

I won't defend or complain about the price too much.... It's a Business.... LHR keeping it's doors open is a good thing.... They have a new product.... I want and need it.... I will pay for it......

Just as soon as I get the money..... It has been slow and checking is down to fifty bucks.... But the signs I am painting tonight at 10 PM and cutting tomorrow will help.... Fire stuff has just died.... ???


10-04-2010, 10:34 PM
Gotta get some Nickels to rub together first

Ps Just Confirmed it with CarveWright -- NO Shipping Charge
With Carvers Club Membership -- 10% Off this month = $44.99

10-04-2010, 11:08 PM
Isnt this going to be just an "activation code" like the other software? Are they really charging for shipping too? (ken's pic)

10-04-2010, 11:12 PM
I don't think shipping applies!
If I remember correctly, this is not the first time shipping was listed in error (and refunded post haste).

10-04-2010, 11:45 PM
I think it is pure b***t that we have to pay for this feature. It should be included in the centerline text package or if you already own the centerline text package it should be an upgrade. That is the problem with companies today-they dont want to reward loyalty...what a bunch of c**p....keep your software!!!!

10-05-2010, 05:25 PM
You know, now that I think about it, my SUV has a hatch door on the rear, but I have to open and close it manually. I think that GM should add the automatic opener and closer that they now offer on their new models. I'll have to see if they'll do that. Thanks for the idea, Griz64.
Bob Hill

10-05-2010, 06:04 PM
To Al, AskBud, Liquid Guitars and all you other Crazy Carving Guru's.... I can't wait to see what you guy's have created with this new software! Though I only make small embossing plates with Corian to emboss Veg-Tan leather, I leave it up to your knowledgeable hands to show the rest of us what it can do.

I don't believe $50.00 is an unfair price. However, I am a little sceptic when it comes to new version upgrades and software. I rather someone else be the crash test dummy.... I mean beta tester. :)

Again, can't wait and thanks!

Dan, Dan the Leather Man

10-05-2010, 06:22 PM
Hi Dan,

I haven't started any projects yet, But I Have been playing around with a few ideas.
It's got my attention, and I can imagine several project possibilities.
Maybe I'll have more time to work with it this weekend.

10-05-2010, 07:03 PM
I know this point has been made before, but I have seen lots of expensive software packages that you had to pay for updates. Updates are free with designer! Many other software packages charge for additional modules, I don't see any problem with this. Actually I'm happy to pay $50 for the new vector conform feature. However, if it's not worth it to you then you have the option of not buying it.

10-05-2010, 08:53 PM
Im afraid to agree with some since I usually have never had many problems with the CW or software, however in these times I do find the the $50 charge a bit steep and do believe it should have been available with the original Centerline cost.

10-05-2010, 09:02 PM
I think it's really cool, I also have to agree about the cost being a bit high for something we've pretty much already paid for once (if you have centerline text) and we paid a lot for it too. ($100) But I don't think our complaining is going to do any good, and if you don't do a lot of your own design well I guess it really isn't worth the $50, I want to wait and see what others really think of it, and also see if a file can be cut without having it on your computer, such as someone who makes a custom file and sends it to someone else, why couldn't they cut it like they do with centerline text.....


10-05-2010, 09:36 PM
I've just played with the demo, but I have a small check box next to the "size" boxes with the words Conform next to it. I went entered my text as normal and placed it over a carved area. Just to see how it worked i de-selected to box and the carved text disappeared until I dragged it over a uncarved area. Looks like it works very well in the demo, but I can't save or carve anything yet.

10-05-2010, 09:42 PM
That is a good point.... For someone who is on the fence about the $50.00 could send a file with the text to someone with the tool and let them manipulate the text. Send it back and see if it will cut without buying it.

The Trick is to tell the person the name of the font as if they don't have that font on the tool computer then it will subsutitute..... And as Chris and I found out.... Not tell you it changed the font.... We learned the hard way.... I cut the wrong fonts....


10-05-2010, 11:42 PM
I know this point has been made before, but I have seen lots of expensive software packages that you had to pay for updates. Updates are free with designer! Many other software packages charge for additional modules, I don't see any problem with this. Actually I'm happy to pay $50 for the new vector conform feature. However, if it's not worth it to you then you have the option of not buying it.

I am in a agreement with you Terry 100%. If one is a CARVER CLUB MEMBER this month you can save 10% on this software. Nothing comes free with Auto CAD or many other software I work with.
I worked with it last night after down loading 1.175 and I am looking forward to getting it some time this month.
Really opens up many design avenues

10-06-2010, 12:30 AM
I will get it when the need arises..$50.00 doesn't bad at all to me agree with the other's on software updates and the charges. Anyways, I have attached a simple book pattern to play around with...has some good curves to test the vector conform.

10-06-2010, 12:36 AM

Nice Book... Thanks !!!!

The Time Saved for me doing Maltese Crosses will more than pay for it....

I have done BEAR Street Sign or House Numbers but they did not turn out that well... With this is will be a Sinch... And for the Bass, Trout and other Animals.


10-06-2010, 02:20 AM
I agree there is no need to disrespectfully complain or use profanity to state our opinion, but if no one voices their opinion good or bad either by stating so here in the forums or by purchasing or not purchasing the software, LHR will not know what their customers feel. They are in business to make money, and they have to choose when and where to make their profit. Regarding other expensive packages charging for all updates and modules - I like my CW a lot and it does fantastic work, but it is not on par with those machines. The CW is not even intended or warranteed for commercial use yet.

Another issue I take with this particular upgrade is LHR was so concerned with any of us tricking the machine into using centerline in a carved region. You'd think they would at least want to include this ability with the centerline text so that it would not be a safety issue with their customers. Even if it worked with just the centerline text and not other vectors.

I upgraded my software so I could try the conform feature in demo mode and it does seem to work fairly well.

10-06-2010, 10:44 AM
You know, now that I think about it, my SUV has a hatch door on the rear, but I have to open and close it manually. I think that GM should add the automatic opener and closer that they now offer on their new models. I'll have to see if they'll do that. Thanks for the idea, Griz64.
Bob Hill

Not only is that a bit of a stretch, coming from a Mod I'm a little surprised, Bob.

If one of us had made that comment to at least one Mod I can think of, we'd get our hand cyber-slapped.

The so-called "vector conform" option is long overdue. Although it does much more than allow Centerline in a Carve Region, it should have been part of Designer all along, and probably would have been, if LHR had considered it in the beginning, or knew how to make it work.

At the risk of stepping in something I can't clean off my shoe, I started out with 1.126, and have enjoyed all the software upgrades since then, at no charge. I assume they've been at no charge, because those upgrades were implemented to make the machine operate the way it was meant to operate, or operate more efficiently, etc.

Frankly, it irked me a little to have to pay for Centerline in the first place. Seemed a little strange to me that a $2k machine made to do all this stuff couldn't replicate a simple sign that most of us have made with a router, a 60 degree v bit, and a piece of cedar.

I can see paying for the STL importer - that allows the machine to do what we never planned for it to do.

I can't see paying for the Magic Wand tool in PE, it should have been there all along.

We should be able to import a line-drawn image into Designer, assign a v bit to it, and carve it, but can't - oh, wait, I guess we can, if we pay for the DXF add-on.

Admittedly, I know absolutely nothing about programming, writing code, etc., and how much cost is involved in doing so. But, it seems to me that when you figure out how to get something to do what it should have been able to do all along, you upgrade the product. When you get something to do what it was never designed to do, you get paid for it.

If your hatch door can be configured to open and close it electrically, you pay to have that upgraded.

If your hatch door isn't working the way it was meant to work, or should work, it gets recalled and fixed once they figure out how to fix it.

(Let's don't argue this point - I was just trying to counter what was an inferior argument made in the first place.)

We want to be able to control the feed rate, should you have to pay for that? ( I know why they don't want us to control it - some or most of us would screw up, destroy something, and try to assign blame).

We want more options in assigning bits - 60v and 90v is great - seems like adding another, say 22.5v would be no harder than the code for the first two - should you have to pay for that?

The ability to "Make Pattern" is great, should you have to pay for that?

Been ranting, but my point is that I've been fooling my machine to do something it really should have been able to do all along, now I got to pay for that?

It's not the $50 as much as it is feeling like I'm paying extra for the ketchup on my hamburger.

No disrespect to anyone, LHR and Bob included.

I'm just saying.........

10-06-2010, 11:38 AM

Well stated and I agree 100%. $100.00 for the Centerline Text and have to paid another $50.00 to make it work properly. That's one of those things that make you go Hmm.

Also the STL export and the Demo Mode that they added to the current version was a very nice added feature to the software. Thanks LHR

10-06-2010, 12:21 PM
Not only is that a bit of a stretch, coming from a Mod I'm a little surprised, Bob.

I'm just saying.........
Sorry for using what I thought might be a lighter, but comparitive idea to explain why charging for an upgrade is different than a "no charge" update. I suspect if I had used other software as a more definitive example, it might have been better (like upgrades features to Adobe PhotoShop, etc for an added price) as compared to the free updates that are made free to existing versions of that product. It would be very nice to get upgrades free, but then few businesses can stay in business, especially today, if they can't make a profit. Bye the way, moderator's are NOT paid employees of LHR. We are actually just customers like yourself.
Bob Hill
Tampa Bay, Florida

10-06-2010, 12:31 PM
I suspect if I had used other software as a more definitive example, it might have been better (like upgrades features to Adobe PhotoShop, etc for an added price) as compared to the free updates that are made free to existing versions of that product.

Agreed - but if Adobe sold you a product that wouldn't/couldn't apply reds, and then figured out how, they wouldn't charge you for that fix.

Bye the way, moderator's are NOT paid employees of LHR. We are actually just customers like yourself.
Bob Hill
Tampa Bay, Florida

Understood - you couldn't PAY me to be a Mod - thankless job, way too much work, and my fuse is too short to deal with the stuff you guys deal with.

You are held to a higher standard than we are, though, because you work to see that we behave ourselves.

Problem with the written word is that you can't see the guy's tongue planted firmly in his cheek when he makes a comment. There's always the risk of coming across as "Don't do as I do, do as I say".

10-06-2010, 01:25 PM
Jerry, PCW,

Conform line was designed over a year ago not for Centerline owners! but TADA!, to cut guitars frets! also to make inlay on rasters just so happens that it kicks for centerline 2, so hold the mustard.

10-06-2010, 01:33 PM
so hold the mustard.

Actually, I referred to ketchup, but mustard will work. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/5/5_2_111.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSfox000)

Smoken D
10-06-2010, 01:44 PM
One of my other hobbies is shooting. So, I have a Dillon Reloader which has a NO BS WARRANTY FOR LIFE. Even after 20 years with this machine anything, and I mean anything brakes, I call them up and the part is sent free, along with free shipping. Now this reloader only cost me $280 with one sent of dies when I got it. And yes when a spring brakes, they send me a new one. This company has been in business for a very long time and they make money. Just too bad other American companies don't follow this example.

Yes, other customers of Dillon have had to send the complete machine back after years when something was really bad. Guess what, they got a complete NEW MACHINE even after 10-15 years of usage.

10-06-2010, 11:27 PM
One of my other hobbies is shooting. So, I have a Dillon Reloader which has a NO BS WARRANTY FOR LIFE. Even after 20 years with this machine anything, and I mean anything brakes, I call them up and the part is sent free, along with free shipping. Now this reloader only cost me $280 with one sent of dies when I got it. And yes when a spring brakes, they send me a new one. This company has been in business for a very long time and they make money. Just too bad other American companies don't follow this example.

Yes, other customers of Dillon have had to send the complete machine back after years when something was really bad. Guess what, they got a complete NEW MACHINE even after 10-15 years of usage.

In my opinion the reason for this is that the machine is working with EXPLOSIVES and the company wants to protect itself from LIABILITY and sending a NEW machine removes the possibility of a EXPLOSIVE Accident that the Lawyers get to make lots of money over...

Plus they sell a relatively inexpensive piece of equipment and make money selling supplies.... Or at least I believe they would have a stake in you having a working machine so someone is making money on supplies....

Different issue...

Software Development.... It's a new product..... LHR must pick and choose it's battles.... 1.175 is FREE...... The ADD ON's that now work with 1.175.... Well I am OK with paying for it.... If I want it.... The Contour version will save me money in time and make my product more efficiently with it...

Everyone has a OPINION... As long as we remain Calm, Everyone can voice our opinions without offending anyone. Free Speach... On a LHR owned Forum....

This $50.00 helps keep the lights on a LHR and that is a Good Thing....


10-07-2010, 12:52 AM
I've kept out of this thread so far... but I guess I feel compelled to throw my 2 cents out there. I think this time the $50 charge is reasonable... much more so than the simple dxf import filter (althought there are other non-programmer members who disagree). But my main concern is were are we going to be in three or four more years? Will there be 20 "add-ons" ranging in price from $50-$200 to do things than many of us thought the machine should/could do out of the box? It really isnt that far fetched to think that some of us may have to throw and addditional $1000-$2000 dollar in "software add-on's" in the future?. It is starting to feel like we are being nickle & dimed to death. Of course I want the lights to stay on at LHR. It jsut seems to me that "the features" so many of us expresss interest in.. are the same ones that become "add-ons" instead of included in normal software updates.

10-07-2010, 01:06 AM
I agree..... How about a Add On to add a 3 Axis Sled to do 4 pool Que's or Walking Sticks or Rails 360...... at the same time.... I perdict.... $200.00.... Sled.... $100.00.... Software.... And a Christmas Release....

It's the paint fumes.... 1 AM....


10-07-2010, 02:51 AM
Doug, Yes you made your point on how simple the DXF program was to coad for us non programmers thanks. " insert smile face"

But my main concern is were are we going to be in three or four more years? Will there be 20 "add-ons" ranging in price from $50-$200 to do things than many of us thought the machine should/could do out of the box? It really isnt that far fetched to think that some of us may have to throw and additional $1000-$2000 dollar in "software add-on's" in the future?. It is starting to feel like we are being nickle & dimed to death.

Realy? The more I read this the more odd it sounds are you saying that all new work should be scraped because you worry about the overall cost years from now? or just that the program should imagine what users need before it was released 3 years ago?

I use a program as you know called Lightwave for over 20 years now it has 1000's apps some free and some 30.00 to 2400.00 each. Lightwave could never had done the work on Star Trek without the help of the SDK and programs added to the core apps needed and requested.

10-07-2010, 06:37 AM
without the help of the SDK and programs added to the core apps needed and requested.

Thanks for bringing that up! I would also be just as happy if these released an SDK or even just published a reference doc for their file formats (mpc, mpw, etc). They we could just all write our own add on's as needed.

My main point is althought the "free updates" are nice... at some point (I make no claim as to when that point might be) it does become more cost effective for the user to have "new features" added in the main program and pay an "update/upgrade" fee rather an have to pay for each new feature seperately. And in MY opinion, some of the current add-on should have still be available "out of the box" when we first opened are machines. But I do realize that it is unrealistic to NOT release the core product until all the bells and whistles in the software were complete. It is a new product and development of software and hardware takes time... but LHR bills dont wait. They had to start making money. Im fine with releasing a product before it was "complete". And you can never really fully know how a machine will be used until it gets out in the field. So customer feedback is always important to the development process.

10-07-2010, 07:09 AM
But my main concern is were are we going to be in three or four more years? Will there be 20 "add-ons" ranging in price from $50-$200 to do things than many of us thought the machine should/could do out of the box? It really isnt that far fetched to think that some of us may have to throw and addditional $1000-$2000 dollar in "software add-on's" in the future?.

That's the way I see it too. The attraction to the machine for many like myself is that it was pretty much plug and play without having to purchase a million extras. 395 posts to the designer wish list thread - that is a lot of extras to purchase if they're going to start charging for every upgrade item.

This could have been easily added to centerline and they could have upped the cost on that a few dollars, or added to the main package and upped that even less. Sure, there would be no profit on existing owners, but their costs would have been spread across all new owners. Speaking of new owners, I recently had someone come to my house who wanted to see the CW. I talked it up like I always have. I am almost certain he is going to purchase one now. It does great work and it's a great value for an individual, and there is great support here in the forums. I didn't get paid for that, nor did I expect to, but LHR is likely to profit because I liked their product enough to promote it. I'll be less and less inclined to promote the CW if there is going to be $2000 worth of extras, especially if those extras are updates. Truthfully, I'd be less inclined to post projects and patterns here as well. These forums are a great resource, as well as those who choose to post their projects photos on their web site, and even those that have their patterns for sale on the CW site. That is a valuable asset many other companies do not have, I hope LHR considers that when charging for other updates.

10-07-2010, 12:06 PM
I wouldn't mind paying $50 for a 4-th axis add-on, and maybe $100 for the rotational gismo controlled by it....
I was happy with the basic model when I received the machine, happy with the free upgrades, and glad that the add-ons were designed and made available for a modest price. Wish everything was free, but those workers who make these things are worthy of their wages; not to mention the risk takers who developed this thing in the first place. The $50 I send (when I have it available) for the conform, may help design the next must-have addition; or pay for a really good lunch!

10-07-2010, 03:26 PM
Ron, you are exactly on target in my thinking. I believe those of us who have been able to visit LHR's new or old place of business realize that LHR is not exactly a garage operation but neither is it General Motors. But it has grown and if the economy hadn't taken the dump when it did, perhaps advancement would be faster. Some businesses haven't just had to let some of their workers go, but have gone out of business completely. Hopefully LHR won't be one of those.
Bob Hill
Tampa Bay, Florida

Capt Bruce
10-09-2010, 09:01 PM
I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to the latest Designer version and purchase the Vector Conform since the software was offered at a 10% discount this month for Carvers Club members.

Placed software order in my Cart. Entered the supplied discount code in the box. Paid for the order and submitted same . . . . No discount off the price

Has anyone else in the Carvers Club experienced this from LHR's on line order system?

I've sent a message to Sales but don't know that they will answer or when so I thought I'd enter this gripe here. $4.99 won't buy much anyway but it irks me. Time to go carve conforming vectors on something.

10-09-2010, 11:19 PM
Capt Bruce,

Call the Sale Dept at LHR, I did after seeing Lynn confirming the Discount http://forum.carvewright.com/content.php?169-CarversClub-Monthly-Special-Offer-October-2010
With no problem -- 5 minute Phone Call = Confirmed, Licensed, and up and running with in 8 Hours.

Capt Bruce
10-09-2010, 11:30 PM
I'll be on the phone Monday assuming they are not closed for Columbus Day. Again it's only $5 but it's the principle of the discount offered but not provided despite the code provided when I ordered on line at LHR.

10-10-2010, 12:23 AM
I tested the code myself before it got sent out and swore it didn't work. Then realized I hadn't pushed the submit button for the code after I entered it. Just went to checkout and it didn't recognize the code. A couple of people have done the same thing. I will add that tidbit to the instructions next time. We will gladly deduct the amount on Monday when we process the credit card. We will be in on Monday.

10-10-2010, 06:40 AM
Perhaps the billing code for the web page needs a "discount conform" feature, but will we have to pay for that, too? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

10-10-2010, 10:17 AM
With what they charge us to make changes to the billing code...no doubt!!! LOL!!!

Capt Bruce
10-10-2010, 11:32 AM
I tested the code myself before it got sent out and swore it didn't work. Then realized I hadn't pushed the submit button for the code after I entered it. Just went to checkout and it didn't recognize the code. A couple of people have done the same thing. I will add that tidbit to the instructions next time. We will gladly deduct the amount on Monday when we process the credit card. We will be in on Monday.

I'll have to assume it was the "unit" on this side of my keyboard then that made the error. Thanks in advance for your follow-through tomorrow and I'll avoid adding one more call to LHR's load on Monday morning. Again, my thanks for your help.

10-10-2010, 08:40 PM
Just so everyone knows, "Scaling ability" will be disabled when you apply "Conform".


10-10-2010, 09:30 PM
Just so everyone knows, "Scaling ability" will be disabled when you apply "Conform".


I just tested this out and got the same message. I only get it with the centerline conform feature activated. It does complete the down load process.

I guess we need to know what the message really means and what the effect to the carve is..

10-10-2010, 09:46 PM
This will only effect you if you choose to scale your project at the machine i.e place a board of the wrong size in the unit and press to scale .

10-10-2010, 10:00 PM
This will only effect you if you choose to scale your project at the machine i.e place a board of the wrong size in the unit and press to scale .

Thanks LG,,

Then NO problem! ..<insert happy face>

10-10-2010, 10:21 PM
I just started a test carve, and it does not even give the Scale option and it measures the board, when you have "Conform" applied to centerline.

10-10-2010, 10:51 PM

Thanks for the update. Sounds like your board size was good also..

Capt Bruce
10-10-2010, 11:05 PM
"This will only effect you if you choose to scale your project at the machine i.e place a board of the wrong size in the unit and press to scale."

Thanks LG,,

Then NO problem! ..<insert happy face>

My thanks as well LG,

The 1st comment caused me a few moments of Buyers Remorse until you explained what was really involved on the CW but not in Designer.

10-10-2010, 11:14 PM
I just started a test carve, and it does not even give the Scale option and it measures the board, when you have "Conform" applied to centerline.
If your board is a different size, you may resize your Design board, and then resize the entire design, and re-load to the Memory card. Highlight everything and make it a GROUP. Now highlight everything again, and drag the YELLOW point as desired. Caution: Do not use the "Center Icons", as they you center all items as directed.

10-11-2010, 09:40 AM
Scaling is disabled on conforms, yes. This is because although you can scale the project at the machine, you cannot scale the size of the vector bit! As a result, we cannot accurately determine how the bit will affect the board being carved.

Some of you may also notice a new scaling prompt at the machine: "IGNORE SCALING". When you're not conforming, if the board width is slightly smaller than the project width, this 3rd option may pop up. It effectively cuts off the "north" edge (next to the sliding plate) of the width of the project.