View Full Version : Sharpening Bits

07-27-2010, 05:07 PM
Does anyone know of a company or person that sharpens the 1\8" cutter bit and the carver bit along with the 60 degree? I guess it could be any bit but those are the specific ones I am using many times and may need sharpened...


07-27-2010, 06:49 PM
I get my 60 and 90 sharpened at the local sharping shop. He has a couple of my old carvers and is trying to find someone with a computer setup for the sharping of them. I'll let you know if anything comes of it. I'm sure that if they can be sharpened they will not do as smooth a job since they will be narrower. However I do some carving that woulden't be too effected, I think.

11-05-2010, 11:35 PM
Does anyone know of a company or person that sharpens the 1\8" cutter bit and the carver bit along with the 60 degree? I guess it could be any bit but those are the specific ones I am using many times and may need sharpened...

I wanted to share I found someone locally to sharpen my 1/6' carving bits!! They have been sharpening my v60 and 90, but this week I ran into the guy who does it and he said no problem. They only are charging about $7.00 with 600 grit. Sure is cheaper than buying a new one. For those in Washington it is The Sumner Wood Workers Store. www.sumnerwoodworkerstore.com

11-06-2010, 01:08 AM
I have used these guys for years. They are located in Fort Washington Pa. They also do Tn coating.
