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View Full Version : small downdraft table for sanding

07-11-2010, 08:44 AM
I finally made a small downdraft table for sanding my projects. I scrounged an perforated aluminum plate and re-used some MDF from an Mayan calendar project gone bad. The bottom plate through which the 4" connector goes can be used to support my little table-saw. Lack of room prevents me from getting the big boys tools, so improvisation is my first rule. My garage is a mere 9' X 20', and is home to the CW, 10" table saw, belt and disk sander, press drill, 12" planer, 6" jointer, scroll-saw, 12gal compressor, dust collector, workbench, cabinet, shelves for the wood planks and the 24" X 36" CNC router that is still in progress.

07-11-2010, 09:43 AM
Nice Job, -- it can really help improve the air quality in the Shop
plus save a few bucks by re-using items or materials that you already have.

I built one a few years ago about the same size,
when I'm sanding a large item I leave the whole surface open,
when I'm sanding small items I put a couple pieces of
typing or news paper over the parts of the surface
I'm not using to reduce the number of holes,
for better vacuum efficiency.