View Full Version : Is there a way to catalog your patterns and print it out?

07-10-2010, 02:41 AM
To all,

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way or knows of a cheap software package that will let you print out a catalog of sorts of all the patters that you have on your computer to use with the CW.

I am looking to create some form of catalog to give out to sell some signs and products that I make with my CW and would like to be able to include the patterns that I have so people can see what options they have and what patterns I have available.

I do have that pattern catalog software that was posted some time ago from the scroll saw website but that doesnt have an option to print it out.

Any ideas or suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

Wayne G.

07-10-2010, 08:25 AM
To all,

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way or knows of a cheap software package that will let you print out a catalog of sorts of all the patters that you have on your computer to use with the CW.

I am looking to create some form of catalog to give out to sell some signs and products that I make with my CW and would like to be able to include the patterns that I have so people can see what options they have and what patterns I have available.

I do have that pattern catalog software that was posted some time ago from the scroll saw website but that doesnt have an option to print it out.

Any ideas or suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

Wayne G.
I use Windows XP and store my patterns in file folders when I make my patterns. With the Thumbnail function you can see all the images in each folder.

You can then print any image when you need it.

07-10-2010, 09:30 AM
If you're talking about a program that will look at your patterns and create a thumb nail photo that you can print.....No, at least not that I know of. LHR has the ability to make something like that however, and I think it could be a good seller for them.

There are a few free album programs out there that will create photo albums. I'm not sure about printing out the pages though. You will have to create the photos yourself. What I did with my pattern catalog is this.... Screen print photo of each pattern and put it in Word. Then printed out 120 pages of patterns. I (my wife) then typed up a list of the patterns and what pages they were on. We put it all in a large 3 ring binder. The problem is that I add new patterns on a regular basis and the work involved in updating the catalog proved to be too much to make it of any real use to me.

07-11-2010, 05:07 PM

Yeah that was the only way I was thinking to do it at this point (using WORD) but like you mentioned, when you add patterns to your collection, it could be a pain in the rear end to get the catalog updated and having to reprint the pages and the catalog list. There has to be a better way.....

BJB... Yea your way is a good way to keep them organized but I was trying to figure out a way to print what I have in a catalog type format and not one by one... that would take up to much time etc... but thanks for the input.


07-12-2010, 09:07 AM
I have just tried an image library software called "Picture Library" that will let you print a picture index. It is cheap ($35), has a trial period of 1 month, and very easy to use. It will let you configure how to print the index. Basically a picture index is a printout of thumbnails, including the picture's filename. The advantage of this software is that it is a database, so anytime you add a new picture or delete one, the whole list will be automatically updated the way you want (alphabetically, date/time, etc...) You can also classify, create albums, and such. Find it here (http://www.wensoftware.com/PictureLibrary/)

07-12-2010, 09:31 AM
I have noticed the pattern cataloging has become more of an issue as my library grows.

I wish LHR would develop a system that would help us out, oh what let me see if I have another $199.00 dollars to spare first.......lol (just joking LHR)

I have screen shots saved of a lot of my patterns. I would think it would be possible to print out all the thumbnails as a contact sheet type of layout, but my collection is so dynamic and always changing. I don't see it as being a realistic solution for myself.

07-12-2010, 11:29 AM
Yep. With a hundred or so pages of patterns adding just one with a name that starts with "A" and you have to reprint all 100 pages every time. Unless you just print an additional catalog for all of the new ones. Then it gets kind of confusing after that.

07-12-2010, 11:48 AM
The software I described above would let you update your catalog and then you can print only those pages that changed. Or there is the option to generate web pages showing all the thumbnails, no need to print. You can generate an electronic catalog customer can consult over the web, or send it on a CD.

07-13-2010, 04:32 PM
Here is another program, http://www.gagechek.com/fp/, FilePick. I do not have it but what I have seen comments from those who do that they do like it....

07-14-2010, 01:28 AM
the secret is to do a screen shot every time you make or add a pattern and name it the same as the pattern. catching up later is a pain in the a..