View Full Version : Call from Michael T

05-31-2010, 10:25 PM
Michael T and I have been playing phone tag for two days. He called me yesterday and I was at a Festival (had a great time and planted a lot of seeds ... didn't really sell much though). So, today I got some free time and called him back, no answer. Sooooo ... while I was at a get together with friends Michael called me back (left my phone in the van ... opps....).

Well, I decided to take my wife Meredith and our 3 year old Kendall fishing. (Meredith has been asking me to take a break and go). While we were at the lake my phone rings, hardly heard it in the van ... Hello, Michael (finally we are connected).

During our conversation, I get a bite (fishing on the bottom, tight line with dew worms). Needless to say ... I have insurance on my phone but not on my brand new fishing poll (first time in the water) so the phone hit the dirt and I grabbed the fishing poll (my wife got to talk to Michael for a moment while a reeled in my monster catch).

See photo below:


Story posted at the urging of Michael T.

05-31-2010, 11:02 PM
Wow! That's a great fish story. LOL

06-01-2010, 06:38 AM
:razz: Good One ----- plus the fish didn't get away :wink:

06-01-2010, 08:09 AM
Michael T and I have been playing phone tag for two days. He called me yesterday and I was at a Festival (had a great time and planted a lot of seeds ... didn't really sell much though). So, today I got some free time and called him back, no answer. Sooooo ... while I was at a get together with friends Michael called me back (left my phone in the van ... opps....).

Well, I decided to take my wife Meredith and our 3 year old Kendall fishing. (Meredith has been asking me to take a break and go). While we were at the lake my phone rings, hardly heard it in the van ... Hello, Michael (finally we are connected).

During our conversation, I get a bite (fishing on the bottom, tight line with dew worms). Needless to say ... I have insurance on my phone but not on my brand new fishing poll (first time in the water) so the phone hit the dirt and I grabbed the fishing poll (my wife got to talk to Michael for a moment while a reeled in my monster catch).

See photo below:


Story posted at the urging of Michael T.
Isn’t it breaking the Law to "Hitchhike" in Illinois? :)

06-01-2010, 08:13 AM
There's one that our Grandfathers never told... "so I was fishing while talking on my phone" They would think you were Max talking to agent 99. Come to think of it, I have a GREAT idea-- build a phone into the fishing rod. You'd be able to take pics when you chaught a big'un, never take your hands off the rod, and if the fish took the reel you could use the GDPS to track it down!

On second thought, I think I'll just stick to a piece of bamboo and a nightcrawler ;)

Nice story though, and nice fish as well--


06-01-2010, 11:34 AM
yes it is illegal to hitchhike in Illinois.

06-01-2010, 05:47 PM
Ha! You actually did it (posted the story)!

It was kinda weird at first...while I was talking to Jason, his voice changed! I suddenly heard a female voice along with laughter and "chaos" noises in the background. I had no idea what was going on. Finally, the female voice revealed she was Jason's wife (Meredith) and that she had grabbed the phone while Jason was wrangling a 14" catfish in! It was a hoot!

BTW, a short time later, Meredith caught a Perch!

06-01-2010, 06:14 PM
Taking Your Wife and 3 year old fishing, ---
Sounds like Good O'l "Family Quality Time to Me"!! :wink:

06-01-2010, 09:07 PM
You suggested it Michael ... so I did it. Yes Ken it was a good time.

06-01-2010, 09:11 PM
You suggested it Michael ... so I did it. Yes Ken it was a good time.

Great pic! ...but, where's the pic of Meredith's perch??;)

(As I mentioned during our call, I'm flying out to Phoenix early tomorrow morning to be with my dad for awhile, but I'll be checking in from time-to-time while I'm gone from the office.)

06-01-2010, 09:15 PM
be praying that you have a safe trip and that Jesus folds your dad in his arms and comforts him.

06-02-2010, 08:43 AM

Very very sorry to hear about your Dad.

You both along with your family will be in my daily prayers.

I know God will comfort you and your family.

God Bless you,


06-02-2010, 09:06 PM
Ha! You actually did it (posted the story)!

It was kinda weird at first...while I was talking to Jason, his voice changed! I suddenly heard a female voice along with laughter and "chaos" noises in the background. I had no idea what was going on. Finally, the female voice revealed she was Jason's wife (Meredith) and that she had grabbed the phone while Jason was wrangling a 14" catfish in! It was a hoot!

BTW, a short time later, Meredith caught a Perch!
Its june 2 and still no progect what is happenning had a hard time to get on and many other problem can't get on my account etc...............

06-02-2010, 09:41 PM
Great pic! ...but, where's the pic of Meredith's perch??;)

(As I mentioned during our call, I'm flying out to Phoenix early tomorrow morning to be with my dad for awhile, but I'll be checking in from time-to-time while I'm gone from the office.)

MT -

I don't know you outside the forum and the fact that you have done some pretty out of your way things for me here. But reading between the lines of some of the other posters it sounds like your father is in poor health, so I just wanted to wish you a safe trip and let you know I will say a prayer for you, your father, and family.

All my best,

06-02-2010, 09:43 PM
Its june 2 and still no progect what is happenning had a hard time to get on and many other problem can't get on my account etc...............


I am sure the email will go out in the next day or so. It looks like LHR is doing some serious overhaul on the website and announcements on the new C machine. I'm sure they are just running behind and will get our projects out to us soon. Believe me, I am eager to get it too :)


06-02-2010, 10:17 PM
Michael T and I have been playing phone tag for two days. He called me yesterday and I was at a Festival (had a great time and planted a lot of seeds ... didn't really sell much though). So, today I got some free time and called him back, no answer. Sooooo ... while I was at a get together with friends Michael called me back (left my phone in the van ... opps....).

Well, I decided to take my wife Meredith and our 3 year old Kendall fishing. (Meredith has been asking me to take a break and go). While we were at the lake my phone rings, hardly heard it in the van ... Hello, Michael (finally we are connected).

During our conversation, I get a bite (fishing on the bottom, tight line with dew worms). Needless to say ... I have insurance on my phone but not on my brand new fishing poll (first time in the water) so the phone hit the dirt and I grabbed the fishing poll (my wife got to talk to Michael for a moment while a reeled in my monster catch).

See photo below:


Story posted at the urging of Michael T.

Is that the bait? :D

06-02-2010, 10:19 PM
Is that the bait .... no ..... that is a nice pan sized catfish.