View Full Version : Money is No Object.....What do You Buy?

05-21-2010, 09:07 AM
OK I'm not in the money is no object camp, but I was curious to find out if you could buy any software to enhance your design possibilities what would you buy.

I have:

Designer, pattern editor, and the STL importer

Gimp for: photo editing

Inkscape for: I haven't figured out why I have this yet

Blender for: jeez I have no idea how to use blender!

Irfanview for: Screen shots and quick photo viewing

Aspire: Which I am still learning to use

My wish list includes Corel or Illustrator, but I don't have a clue which one would be best yet.

I think a 3D modeling program of some sort would be very nice to have ( if I could use it)

My shop is pretty well equipped but I always want more.

A bigger band saw, an overarm pin router, and a Festool Random orbit sander are an my wish list, oh and a bigger power feeder for the shaper would be handy too.

A bigger shop is probably number one on my wish list though.

I better quit dreaming about spending money and go make some.

05-21-2010, 09:15 AM

You sound like I do!

There are a lot of things that I would like to be able to buy, such as a good CAD/CAM software package, but can't at the moment. Too many other priorities.

For me it would be:

Full shop with everything you can think of...
Better designing PC
a good 3D modeling program
and if I could buy it, the knowledge to use all of the above.

Don't get me wrong, I am good in the shop, but as with everyone and everything, there is always room for improvement.

05-21-2010, 09:15 AM
Sounds like you have a pretty well equipped shop.

I guess my wish list would be a bigger shop (of course) and better dust collection system. For my skill level, the tools I have right now are fine.


05-21-2010, 09:46 AM
If money was truly not an issue I would keep the CW BUT would add:

Aspire (I have VCarve Pro and Turbo CAD)

Legacy 5 Axis CNC, the biggest they make.The capabilities of a true 5 Axis machine are nothing short of amazing. Aspire with plugin module capabilities and this machine are a great fit!

Ahhh.. Dreaming again!;)

05-21-2010, 09:56 AM
Have all the tools, have all the knowledge and a pretty darn good amount of talent.

If money were no object, I'd buy the 8 discs my back is missing (Just half a mill or so) so I could use all of the above again. (SIGH)

Oh, I'd build a nice shop too! :mrgreen:

05-21-2010, 10:23 AM
Hi Chris!
It's good to see you still check in once in a while. I hope everything is going well.

Oh, I forgot to answer the question. Like Tim the tool man, I have "almost every power tool known to man!" LOL

Well, I have a pretty full shop anyway. I sure could use a bigger shop though. I have everything stuffed into a 24x24 garage right now with hardly enough room to move between the machines.

05-21-2010, 01:28 PM
Terry, your shops sounds like mine.

Well in addition to my first list......now I want a new PC (I did just compromise and ordered a memory upgrade), a Legacy mill and two new discs for my back. And craig reminded me.....I have a really nice dust collector, but I still have not piped the whole shop yet.

05-21-2010, 03:25 PM
Well we started out with software so I guess the centerline text, DFX importer would be on my list!

As for tools, I would say I am like Terry T, all tools and no space in my garage to actually work! So I would definetly splurge on a seperate SHOP with enough space for a fridge to keep the suds cool!

Actually if money were no object I'd forget all this stuff and do a lot of fishin and relaxing!


Smoken D
05-21-2010, 06:02 PM
Have a shop I am happy with. Maybe a few extra small things but, if I had the money the first thing I would do is attend a class to learn about puters, software, how to design stuff. Oh how I wish I knew this stuff, that's what tuff about having the CW and wishen I could design somethem.:-D

05-25-2010, 11:12 AM
Well since the LOML wants her garage back, or at least her side, i need a different place. A big shop so i can get my tools out of storage, of course the dust collection system, a couple more CNC machines, lots of different router bits, to be able to unpack my new (still in the box after 2 yrs) plane.
maybe if i was still in indiana with the 50x200 shop.....