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View Full Version : z axis stall error 313

05-08-2010, 03:10 PM
I have been trying to get this fixed. Carvewright has sent me a new board ,fsc cable and a new z motor. I can't get anything to work on the z truck. I took the z motor and plugged it into the y motor access and it will work. It appears that I am not getting any current up to the z truck.I replaced all items with the new items that they sent. Also when you go to the sensor tests the x axis works fine, but when I go to the y and z axis neither one of them will work. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank You

05-08-2010, 04:19 PM
Wow, what a bummer. I've been there. I don't have any suggestions, as that actually sounds like some sort of electronic error or something that you may not be able to fix short of replacing all the electronics. Possibly the wiring to power the Z-motor has become crimped or damaged. I'm really just replying to let you know that I empathize, I certainly know that can be very frustrating, and especially on a weekend when you wanted to get it working or something.

Hang in there, don't get too down when someone inevitably tells you you should search the forums (I'm sure you already have) and maybe even consider going for that $499 upgrade to the belts/CarveTight installation, they might fix it all up for you or something. That's sort of an annoying suggestion I suppose: "Spend more money!" These things can feel like a money pit sometimes, but it's definitely fun when you get it working.

Good luck!