View Full Version : Easy 3D patterns from sihlouettes

04-25-2010, 11:19 AM
Like many, I have struggled with learning how to create good patterns. Directly importing pictures often produces disappointing results. I’ve explored a few 3D CAD and modeling programs, but the learning curve is steep and it takes some skill to master.

I’ve had modest success using 2D drawing programs to make gray scale drawings, which the Designer and machine convert to z-axis height. Through trial and error, I stumbled across a technique using a free drawing program, paint.net, which resulted in a very nice pattern for one of my latest projects. You don’t need a lot of artistic talent to do this – believe me!

Attached are a logo and the resulting carve after making the pattern with this technique.

I’ve outlined this technique in a tutorial and put it in a pdf document. It’s too big to attach here, but you can find it at http://www.customwooddash.com/docs. I hope you find it helpful, and would appreciate any feedback.


04-25-2010, 11:28 AM
Like many, I have struggled with learning how to create good patterns. Directly importing pictures often produces disappointing results. I’ve explored a few 3D CAD and modeling programs, but the learning curve is steep and it takes some skill to master.

I’ve had modest success using 2D drawing programs to make gray scale drawings, which the Designer and machine convert to z-axis height. Through trial and error, I stumbled across a technique using a free drawing program, paint.net, which resulted in a very nice pattern for one of my latest projects. You don’t need a lot of artistic talent to do this – believe me!

Attached are a logo and the resulting carve after making the pattern with this technique.

I’ve outlined this technique in a tutorial and put it in a pdf document. It’s too big to attach here, but you can find it at http://www.customwooddash.com/docs. I hope you find it helpful, and would appreciate any feedback.


I have not looked at your pdf yet, but thanks for the post. Just to let you know there are a lot of who do use paint.net already as our image editing tool prior to importing into designer. For what it can do compared to the pay for programs you can not beat the price...

04-25-2010, 11:52 AM
Hi Dick, Nice Job!!

Like fwharris mentioned, there are a lot of who do use paint.net already,
I admit I'm just one of folks that often uses Paint.Net to modify or enhance
many of my drawing before I import them into CW Designer ---
it's got good tutorials, and an easy learning curve, plus is a hoot to play around with. :wink:

04-27-2010, 01:13 AM
thanks a bunch.

04-27-2010, 12:16 PM
Even I understood how it works and I am very .ptn challanged.....

Thanks !!!!


04-27-2010, 12:54 PM
Very good work! Excellent tutorial for folks wanting to make their own patterns at no cost at all! Would have made a GREAT Tips & Tricks! (and given me a little time off to boot!);)

04-27-2010, 04:13 PM
I suspect there are lots of users that read Tips but not this forum. Use it if you like, or contact me.

04-27-2010, 04:29 PM
I suspect their are lots of users that read Tips but not this forum. Use it if you like, or contact me.

Hmmm. You may be right! Does anybody else have any opinion whether this should be made into a Tips? It is certainly very, very appropriate for that, but I don't want to have anyone feeling like they are getting redundant info, since you can already download it from here already. I do think Dick brings up a good point - not all users frequent the forum and could miss this useful and valuable tutorial!

04-27-2010, 04:42 PM
Sounds like a great idea and then it is cataloged in the tips and tricks without having to do a search in the forum for the info at a later date. especially for new users.

04-27-2010, 05:01 PM
I just saved the tutorial with all my Tips & Tricks and down loaded the program. I have yet to read and install, but it looks like something I have been looking for. If you make it a Tips & Tricks, you need to include a link to the program download, or a copy of the program.

04-27-2010, 09:28 PM
Great tutorial! I will definitely use this technique.

04-28-2010, 11:11 AM
Thanks great tip and tut, I will be using it for sure.

11-02-2010, 10:56 AM
Nice job on this tutorial! This touched on one of the core topics that seems to confuse most users of the CW machine so if this hasn't become a Tips and Tricks article yet , it should. Something like this will often not be found by many users.

11-03-2010, 05:52 AM
You've got my vote for making it a T&T I think thats a great idea, and thank you very much Dick for bringing this to the forum as many of us are still in (and will be) that learning curve.


11-03-2010, 06:59 AM
Thanks guys! Maybe a note to Michael T will spur the idea along.

I just uploaded a recent project employing patterns that I made using similar techniques:

11-03-2010, 05:03 PM
Count me in for T and T. Capt Barry

11-05-2010, 12:52 PM
Here's another 3D pattern that I made from clip art. I started with this simple drawing:

and use the techniques that I described in the tutorial to make these patterns:
39736 39737
Again, no real artistic skills involved, as I have none. I separated the loon from the water so that I could do different things with each. For example, I made a project with a raised loon and raised water pattern. I'll post it over in the pattern-sharing thread.

11-06-2010, 01:59 PM
Has anyone had troubles trying to load the paint file.It just will not go through. Capt Barry

11-07-2010, 02:59 PM
I think this is a great idea. Unfortunately, I cannot get the pdf file to open. Do you have it posted somewhere else??? Thanks!!

11-07-2010, 04:51 PM
Try here:

11-07-2010, 08:57 PM
Has anyone tried to match these steps to Photoshop? I'm curious what the equivalent of "additive" would be within Photoshop?

11-10-2010, 04:13 PM
Thanks. Was able to d/l it from that site with no trouble.

05-24-2011, 10:33 AM
I have tried to find the tutorial with both links provided it is unavailable.
If any of you have downloaded it could you send me the pdf file or post a new link.

Thank You

John L. Emanuel


05-24-2011, 11:06 AM
You can find it here: http://www.carvewright.com/downloads/tips/CarveWrightTips&Tricks_Oct-Nov_2010.pdf

12-14-2013, 10:46 PM
Dick I love your pen boxes, do you still by any chance have the .PDF instructions? If so, would you be able to email those to me at Donald@theroseshome.com or at least email me the link, would really appreciate it! thanks!

12-15-2013, 10:40 AM
I don't have a PDF, just some instructions here: http://forum.carvewright.com/showthread.php?16719-Pen-box-project&p=141428#post141428

12-15-2013, 02:42 PM
Hi Dick,

The link is not bringing up a web site. Also in a later post there is another link and that say the file is not there also. Is it possible to post a new link for the doc as I'd like to read it?


12-15-2013, 06:00 PM
I'm sorry, I thought you were looking for pen box instructions. The pattern-making tutorial was picked up as a Tips and Tricks, then moved by LHR. You can find it here: http://www.carvewright.com/assets/tips/CarveWrightTips_and_Tricks_Oct-Nov_2010.pdf

12-15-2013, 06:09 PM
I'm sorry, I thought you were looking for pen box instructions. The pattern-making tutorial was picked up as a Tips and Tricks, then moved by LHR. You can find it here: http://www.carvewright.com/assets/tips/CarveWrightTips_and_Tricks_Oct-Nov_2010.pdf

Ok got it thanks. I think I have the original "Tips & tricks" printed in my folder somewhere... I'll have to check.



12-17-2013, 02:24 PM
Like many, I have struggled with learning how to create good patterns. Directly importing pictures often produces disappointing results. I’ve explored a few 3D CAD and modeling programs, but the learning curve is steep and it takes some skill to master.

I’ve had modest success using 2D drawing programs to make gray scale drawings, which the Designer and machine convert to z-axis height. Through trial and error, I stumbled across a technique using a free drawing program, paint.net, which resulted in a very nice pattern for one of my latest projects. You don’t need a lot of artistic talent to do this – believe me!

Attached are a logo and the resulting carve after making the pattern with this technique.

I’ve outlined this technique in a tutorial and put it in a pdf document. It’s too big to attach here, but you can find it at http://www.customwooddash.com/docs. I hope you find it helpful, and would appreciate any feedback.


DickB, is this tutorial still available? Thank you.

12-17-2013, 03:34 PM
DickB, is this tutorial still available? Thank you.Yes, follow the link in post #28.

12-17-2013, 07:16 PM
Yes, follow the link in post #28.

Oh gosh. So sorry. Totally missed that link. Thanks for pointing out.