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View Full Version : SQL Error:to much data for one table row Unable to fetch results"

03-23-2010, 09:05 AM
I imported and edited a photo in Pattern editor.

When I try to save it to my pattern library I get the following error message:

SQL Error

to much data for one table row Unable to fetch results

Anyone have a clue what may be causing this?

I tried closing everything reopening and tried a second time, but I received the same error message.

03-23-2010, 09:16 AM
I found this posted a couple years ago.
"Sounds like You picture is To Big / Or Your computer memory is to small .
Try Shirking picture, or making picture black&white first.
You Should not need more than 300dpi."
Hope it helps

03-23-2010, 10:05 AM
Thanks Tom, I missed that post when I searched.

I thought I had edited much larger photos than this one, but maybe not.

Edit: I just resized the dimensions of the photo in pattern editor and it exported just fine