View Full Version : Restart carve at point of cutoff

shotgun 6
03-05-2010, 03:04 PM
I have started carving the "banner" pattern for Spring Wreat which calls for cutting, carving and 60 degree v bits. About half way through the carving bit part I was re-reading the instructions and noticed that if I didn't have Centerline Text I should have the "Alternate" banner pattern. The machine has just finished the carving bit and is asking for the 60 degree v bit which is where Centerline Text comes in. I have planned to purchase Centerline Text anyway so my question is: if I purchase and download Centerline Text now and install it in Designer, is it possible to shut the machine down at this point, update the card and reinstall, turn back on and pick up where it was turned off?

I've helped a lot of my buddies with their computer problems and I always ask "did you read the instructions?" Crow ain't too bad!



03-05-2010, 05:08 PM

Open the Alternate mpc and save it under a different name like "Test". Delete the carving so that all you have left is the "WELCOME" and the cutpath then re-save "Test". Now carve the "Test" mpc and you should be okay.

I hope that I understand your question and that I'm stating what you need to do.

Edit: Some notes - I assumed that it had not done the cutout yet, if it has, delete the cutout from "Test" of course.
Also, make sure that the bit "touches" the top of the board, not a carved area. You may need to jog it to a good touch point.

shotgun 6
03-05-2010, 06:29 PM
Thanks Doc -- Your advice worked like a charm! Thanks again, Bill

03-05-2010, 06:43 PM

Glad to help! I've had practice at doing re-carves.:mrgreen: