View Full Version : Check board Sensor and cut motor

02-28-2010, 06:03 PM
At first I was experiencing a check cut motor but if I just push start again the machine would go. I pretty good luck with this a year ago. Then I had to replace a belt and now I get Check Board Sensor. Tried the white paper gtest and get a reading of 14-16 and the mirror test and get 130-140 only if you have the mirror in just the right position and don't quiver. I totally cleaned the saw dust from the machine and cleaned the lens and tried everything I could. Now I am wondering if I missed something or need to order parts. Any help as I would really like to strat creating more.

02-28-2010, 06:29 PM
At first I was experiencing a check cut motor but if I just push start again the machine would go. I pretty good luck with this a year ago. Then I had to replace a belt and now I get Check Board Sensor. Tried the white paper gtest and get a reading of 14-16 and the mirror test and get 130-140 only if you have the mirror in just the right position and don't quiver. I totally cleaned the saw dust from the machine and cleaned the lens and tried everything I could. Now I am wondering if I missed something or need to order parts. Any help as I would really like to strat creating more.

If you are only getting 14-16 with white paper right under the sensor you still might have dust inside of it. You might take it out just to check..