View Full Version : Help Retrieving A Pattern

01-30-2010, 10:25 PM
I have been working on a plaque pattern that I plan to use for several projects. The pattern has names and titles in it so that I can change the names to personalize them without having to change the rest of the pattern. I have made a couple of identical patterns just different sizes. I am tryin to make some additional patterns in larger and smaller sizes but when I save the pattern it shows up in my folder as a 2 file or as a 5 file not a PTN file or an MPC file. When I try to open the new files the computer says it cannot open the file and needs to know what program created it. When I saved it it said it was saving it as an MPC file. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or why the computer is doing this?

01-30-2010, 11:37 PM
for all mpc's or ptn's and see if you recognize a name. designer shouldnt of gave them an unknown extention. *.mpc or *.ptn in explorer should find all of em wherever they be hiddin.

01-31-2010, 10:13 AM
If I do a search for the file the only thing that comes up is the file that says;

Windows cannot open this file
File Type: Unknown
Description: Windows does not recognize this file type.

01-31-2010, 10:39 AM
I'll bet the File extension is not MPC or PTN.
Look at the File Extension, on the Folder Options listing. and make sue it is set to open with GUI.
See attachment for the concept.

01-31-2010, 11:34 AM
I don't know what happened but this morning I went into my folder and deleted the 2 petterns that had not saved correctly and then I went back to designer and tried saving the pattern again and this time it was saved in the folder as an MPC file. Maybe the computer was just tired last night and needed to rest. Thanks

01-31-2010, 11:51 AM
I Have the same problem this morning. I finished a project, saved it to my pats file and when I went to bring it back up it was not there. I looked in the pats file and I found that it along with 4 other projects I've done in the last few weeks were in the file but not as mpc's. I've redrawn and resaved the project with no luck. I've checked and the save as is marked as a mpc when it is saved but not listed when it gets to the pats file. Am I loosing it?


01-31-2010, 12:31 PM
Let's make sure we understand the difference between Patterns PTN, and projects MPC, etc.

Patterns (PTN Files) are what you find, and place, in Designer Favorites.
Projects, or Designs, (MPC files, and such) are stored in other areas of Designer.

Sometimes these project files are hard to find as, by default, they may go to what I call "Never-never-land".

I like to organize my projects, similar to the way I do my pictures.
Here is a 87.4 MB AVI link on my concept of "Organization".