View Full Version : Return to main menu

12-14-2009, 09:20 AM
My machine will go thur the homming and start to measure the board and allof sudden just return to main menu. Has anyone else every had this happen ? Any help on what could be wrong
Thank You

12-14-2009, 12:11 PM
This has not happened to me, but have you tried formating your card, reinstalling the firmware, and then loading your pattern to give it another shot....

Eagle Hollow
12-14-2009, 01:18 PM
Make sure the bit is touching the center of the bit flag.

12-14-2009, 01:47 PM
Thank for the reply. The problem will happen while measuring the board length. I installed a new board sensor the sensor is reading 155 and still have the problem.

12-14-2009, 01:56 PM
Thank for the reply. The problem will happen while measuring the board length. I installed a new board sensor the sensor is reading 155 and still have the problem.

Is it shooting out the board? So it goes through the measuring and just returns to the main menu? Have you noticed any message before this happens? Normally if the bit finder doesn't come out it will repeat the bit find request.

Then again if it shoots the board out you will get a error message. Have you tried turning the machine off for a few minutes and trying again?

When I have issues like this I turn the machine off and it clears itself.


12-14-2009, 06:20 PM
Ike thanks for the reply. The machine was shooting out the board and would say back roller stuck a couple of day before this started. I called cw they said to clean board sensor it was reading 120 Idid that and it didn't help.So I put a new board sensor and it read 155 it went thur everything fine went it started to crave it went right to main menu. So I called back and they or checking the rep never heard of this problem before. reforematted refirmware

12-14-2009, 06:31 PM
Now it sounds like a loose wire, try wiggling the flash card and see if the screen changes or flash. When it goes back to the main menu does it say the carving time? If could share your mpc maybe the answer is in the project itself?

Like LHR told you format the card and reload the project and try that. You changed the sensor at 120! I wish I could get over 50 with mine! Another reason it spits out the board is the rollers being stuck most likely with dust so blow out your switches and by hand move the roller up and down.

So when it goes to the main menu and shows a total carving time it is the project design. Either way could you share the mpc and we can take a look?
