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11-14-2009, 12:07 PM
Ok, I'm not new to this but maybe this is a n00b question and I'm over thinking my problem. I am making a sign and I want to cut out individual letters 8" tall one at a time.
I thought I would need to make a png image of the letter in a photo editing software and import the image into designer then set feather to none and just click outline and cut. On one letter at normal it will take an hour to cut and then in the machine it asks for the 1/16 carving bit along with the 1/8 cut out bit. I tried to use the text in the software but it wont outline. Any Ideas what I'm missing? This should be a less than 5 min job I would think to cut out 1 letter.

11-14-2009, 12:21 PM
Ok, I'm not new to this but maybe this is a n00b question and I'm over thinking my problem. I am making a sign and I want to cut out individual letters 8" tall one at a time.
I thought I would need to make a png image of the letter in a photo editing software and import the image into designer then set feather to none and just click outline and cut. On one letter at normal it will take an hour to cut and then in the machine it asks for the 1/16 carving bit along with the 1/8 cut out bit. I tried to use the text in the software but it wont outline. Any Ideas what I'm missing? This should be a less than 5 min job I would think to cut out 1 letter.

Hi Craig,

Couple things...

It is always helpful to attach your mpc when requesting assistance, if at all possible, so we can troubleshoot it for you without "flying blind".

Normally, make the letter with a fill of any shade of gray, make your png, convert it to a ptn, put it on your board, and click the outline tool, assign a cut path and delete the original letter ptn, as you already know. If the machine is requesting the 1/16" carving bit, then you have left the letter pattern on the board and it wants to carve it (raster) before cutting it out. Eliminate the carving portion of your layout and you will leave just the cutout as you intended.

I assume the letter style you want to cut out is something unusual. If the letter was a standard font, you could skip the step of making a png, etc. and just type the letter directly into Designer, click the Outline Tool, make a Cut Path, delete the original letter (leaving behind the outline/cut path), and you're good to go.

Also, you are posting in the forum section for Educators (schools, woodshop teachers, etc.). Posting a problem like yours in this section of the forum will have less visibility overall. More folks will see and respond to your dilemma if you make posts such as this one in the "Techniques" or "Software" section of the main Forum.

Hope that is helpful. I'm sure we'll be able to figure out what the problem might be at your end once we see the mpc.

11-14-2009, 12:37 PM
Thank you mtylerfl I knew I forgot something. I have it now, I just forgot to delete the original letter after the outline. I guess I'm getting old and my CRS is acting up. (Can't Remember S@*t)

11-14-2009, 12:38 PM
Ok, I'm not new to this but maybe this is a n00b question and I'm over thinking my problem. I am making a sign and I want to cut out individual letters 8" tall one at a time.
I thought I would need to make a png image of the letter in a photo editing software and import the image into designer then set feather to none and just click outline and cut. On one letter at normal it will take an hour to cut and then in the machine it asks for the 1/16 carving bit along with the 1/8 cut out bit. I tried to use the text in the software but it wont outline. Any Ideas what I'm missing? This should be a less than 5 min job I would think to cut out 1 letter.
I just did a test.

Place your letters, (I used Times New Roman), using the Raster setting.
Next, Click on the OUTLINE Icon.
Then click on the CUT Icon and select "Flip cut".
You may/should now delete the original TEXT and just have the cut-out letter paths remaining.
The total time for cutting my 4 letter test will be less than 19 minutes.

11-14-2009, 01:18 PM
Thank you mtylerfl I knew I forgot something. I have it now, I just forgot to delete the original letter after the outline. I guess I'm getting old and my CRS is acting up. (Can't Remember S@*t)

Glad that helped! Ha!... "CRS acting up"...I feel like I've got that "condition" myself, several times a week!!