View Full Version : Windows 7

09-16-2009, 11:41 AM
Is there going to be any issues if someone were to convert from Vista to Windows 7 when it comes out. Not sure if I would do it but my daughter said it will be a better OS then Vista. I have no clue what she means by that so I come here for enlightenment. (Like always)

09-16-2009, 12:06 PM
Is there going to be any issues if someone were to convert from Vista to Windows 7 when it comes out. Not sure if I would do it but my daughter said it will be a better OS then Vista. I have no clue what she means by that so I come here for enlightenment. (Like always)

Thanks for asking this question. I will be authorized a free upgrade on my Desktop (Vista) since I just purchased it recently. Hope someone has an answer on your question. Enquiring minds want to know.......

09-16-2009, 01:13 PM
I have a beta copy of 7 that I've been meaning to install and try. I'll install it this week and test it out.

09-16-2009, 03:27 PM
I think I also still have a test machine windows 7 on it squirreled away in a corner. I'll dig it out and give it a whirl. I doubt there should be issues however as windows 7 is still based on the vista core.

Doug Fletcher

09-16-2009, 04:01 PM
If other programs are any judge on this I would say there should be no problems. First Windows 7 is based on the Vista core and anything that runs ok in Vista should run fine in it. I do beta testing for a karaoke software company and we have not seen any problems with the software which does both audio and graphics rendering in operation.

09-16-2009, 07:39 PM
I have been running the caqrving software on the OEM windows 7 for about 3 weeks. No apparent differences.

09-17-2009, 11:27 AM
Thank you all for the info.
Lots of smart people here like always.

09-17-2009, 11:44 AM
For those who are thinking about installing Windows 7 Beta release take caution. I believe that the beta version expired in August 2009. I would hate to see you install this operating system to find out it is no longer functional.

will george
09-17-2009, 05:54 PM
Is there going to be any issues if someone were to convert from Vista to Windows 7 when it comes out. Not sure if I would do it but my daughter said it will be a better OS then Vista. I have no clue what she means by that so I come here for enlightenment. (Like always)

I have three grown daughters. I always tried to do what they told/asked me. Heck of alot smatrer than I ever was.

OK, so some knock Microsoft.. I have used every version they ever had with little problems. Most problems were going backwards in versions.
I would ask the CarveWright Tech. staff...

All my home computers are MS.. Most of the computers I used at work were (graphics/printing trade) were Apples. They BOTH have their place!

09-19-2009, 11:56 AM
I have been beta testing Windows 7 for over 6 months and am now running the release candidate which will not expire untill 8/2010. The retail version will be available next month October 2009. I have had a fantastic time with 7. It is truely everything vista should have been. I have not had a single crash !!
It is a very stable operating system. Talk about speed. This OS is very fast!!!
Installation was extremely easy, The GUI has been improved and is very clean. The system does a very good job of recognizing drivers and installing them. I could go on and on.
For me this upgrade is one of the best Microsoft has ever had. I have nothing but good to say about it. My advise is "GET IT".

09-19-2009, 12:14 PM
All the "geek" forums I belong to say it's the most stable MS OS to date. I haven't had a chance to do much research on it myself but I trust these guys. As such, my dad has 3 copies on order at the discounted offer they had/have already. He insisted on getting a copy for all of us...lol

09-19-2009, 01:15 PM
No to rain on your parade... but I can remember microsoft saying that about every OS they have released from DOS 3.3 and up. Most of the time it has been true... there have been a few disasters along the way.

Doug Fletcher

09-19-2009, 01:28 PM
All the "geek" forums I belong to say it's the most stable MS OS to date. I haven't had a chance to do much research on it myself but I trust these guys. As such, my dad has 3 copies on order at the discounted offer they had/have already. He insisted on getting a copy for all of us...lol

I pre-ordered it also. By pre-ordering I got a 50% discount.

09-19-2009, 02:30 PM
I pre-ordered it also. By pre-ordering I got a 50% discount.

Yep, that's what my dad did as well Tim. http://forum.carvewright.com/images/icons/icon14.gif

I actually can't wait to give it whirl. In fact, I just finished building a new kick butt system for my dad with a 500 gig SATA drive just a waiting for 7 to come in. I'm running his old drive with XP on it until then.

09-19-2009, 02:40 PM
I'm sure you meant to say TWO (2) 500GB Sata drives in a Raid 1 (mirroring) configuration right? With the cost of these drive being sub $80 these days.. and the huge capacity, I cant tell you how many people bring me their computers with failed or failing hard drives and want me to rescue thier data for them. Typically this IS doable... but my hourly fee is well above the cost of simplying building in some redundancy yourself.

And with the huge capacity.. the word "backup" has no meaning to the average user anymore. RAID 1 doesnt replace a good backup system... but it sure does beat nothing at all.

Doug Fletcher

09-19-2009, 03:24 PM
I'm sure you meant to say TWO (2) 500GB Sata drives in a Raid 1 (mirroring) configuration right? With the cost of these drive being sub $80 these days.. and the huge capacity, I cant tell you how many people bring me their computers with failed or failing hard drives and want me to rescue thier data for them. Typically this IS doable... but my hourly fee is well above the cost of simplying building in some redundancy yourself.

And with the huge capacity.. the word "backup" has no meaning to the average user anymore. RAID 1 doesnt replace a good backup system... but it sure does beat nothing at all.

Doug Fletcher

Nope Doug, I didn't mean to say that at all...lol

My folks computer needs are very simplistic. In fact, the computer he's had for like 10 years now still hasn't used up half the 80gig drive he has. Pretty much just email, web browsing and solitaire with a little quicken thrown in....LOL So an image based backup routine on the second partition will, and has been doing just fine for them.

Now my system? That's another story. 30 years in business yada yada and I've had a 4 drive Raid stripe set up for many years now. Plus a backup sever on the network that everything gets dumped to weekly.

09-19-2009, 03:30 PM
That will work too! I kinda blame the digital cameras for the data explosion. with all these 10+ megapxel cameras out there... and people not realizing how quickly a couple hundred (thousand) pics will chew up space. That is probably the #1 request i get... "PLEASE SAVE MY PICTURES". I totally understand that... memories captured in pictures are not easily replaced. :)

Glad to hear you thought thru the process however.

From the few weeks i spend playing with Windows 7.. I think it will be a fairly smooth transition.

Doug Fletcher

09-19-2009, 04:14 PM
Ok, so after raiding my giga what... oh well. Here is probably a stupid question ... is 7 a direct replacement for vista? In other words can I simply install windows 7 on my current machine that is now running vista and expect all my programs to work?

09-19-2009, 04:24 PM
Ok, so after raiding my giga what... oh well. Here is probably a stupid question ... is 7 a direct replacement for vista? In other words can I simply install windows 7 on my current machine that is now running vista and expect all my programs to work?

Unfortunately Terry, No. It has to be "clean" install and then your programs re-installed. All your programs should work but the days of installing one OS over another were gone after going from Windows 95 to 98. Once XP (and some others) came out, a clean install is needed.

When I do my system, I'll have a new hard drive for Windows 7. I'll still have to re-install all my programs but at least I can just do a data and settings transfer from the old drive after that.

09-19-2009, 04:59 PM
I put my storage on my home gigabit network in a box with Windows Home Server running. Automatic backups every night. I installed it on a friends business network about 2 months ago. 2 days ago a computer on their network failed (hard drive). Less than an hour after the hard drive was replaced the system was restored! Put new drive in the box, boot from provided recovery cd, select the most recent backup and boom, your done!

The Server itself is backed up though!

10-13-2009, 11:00 AM
I just installed Windows 7 on my laptop. The installation is FAST and even though a did an install over an existing version of Windows (not an upgrade) it saw the old version and backed up the files in 'My Documents' and the Windows System folder to a file called 'Windows.old'. That is a very nice feature.

I have been using Vista for a couple of years without any real problems with Vista. The biggest problem has been with a few computers I use at work due to the goofy build that my employer uses for Vista. On my machines at home Vista has worked very well.

I left UAC turned on this time and have to say that they have made it far less obnoxious than in Vista. It also looks like the enhanced XP compatibility mode will work out for folks stuck with SW vendors who try and force you to upgrade to a new version of their SW just because you upgraded the OS.

Designer 1.153 seems to run just fine in Windows 7 I was able to install it without doing anything special.