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View Full Version : Pattern looks good but looks "bubbly" in designer? HELP

08-22-2009, 04:40 PM
Hi Everyone...
I have kind of an interesting issue and honestly not even sure what keywords to try searching by other than "pattern" & "pattern editor".

So here goes & I hope someone has an idea or two for me.

I have an image that I'd like to try and carve, so I pulled it into the pattern editor and cleaned it up. It doesn't look half bad at that point.
I then saved it to the pattern library & ultimately put it on a board.

Horrible looking is a massive understatement! I just simply don't understand why it looks the way it does. I have NOT tried to carve this yet simply b/c it looks so bad onscreen, I was assuming it would turn out just as bad on actual wood.

I've uploaded 2 jpgs to show what I mean, the one in pattern editor & the other in designer.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
I'd like to also mention...this is the first time I'm using pattern editor...so please be gentle. :-D

08-22-2009, 04:53 PM
Its hard to tell without seeing the file.What is the size you are trying to carve this? Try putting it back in designer as large as you can just to see if the detail gets better it may just be pattern is fine your just trying to carve it to small. Let us know what effect that has on it. One more thing is you were right it probally would had carved bad carve wright is real good at what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)

08-22-2009, 05:15 PM
I looked at the size...in Pattern Editor it WAS small...did not notice this. I adjusted it to 7 x 11.869 w/ a depth of .301 (have not played w/ this too much).
I then just overwrote the pattern in the library...put it on a board.
.301 d x 8 x 13.547...
The carve is ultimately LARGER than this pattern.
STILL looks "bubbly"; but definitely better.

I uploaded the project file of this last attempt.

08-22-2009, 05:29 PM
I looked at the size...in Pattern Editor it WAS small...did not notice this. I adjusted it to 7 x 11.869 w/ a depth of .301 (have not played w/ this too much).
I then just overwrote the pattern in the library...put it on a board.
.301 d x 8 x 13.547...
The carve is ultimately LARGER than this pattern.
STILL looks "bubbly"; but definitely better.

I uploaded the project file of this last attempt.Some how your pattern got inverted take what you have on board invert it then put a carve region around the whole thing at the same depth as your carve.Here is the file with the changes i said you could still work on it more in pattern editor though.Once you see what im talking about it would probally be best to go back into pattern editor and start there with making pattern bigger and making sure it does not get inverted or if it need inverted do it there so you can bring it into deigner as a pattern.Hope that made since.

08-22-2009, 07:15 PM
one thing I'm a bit confused as to the "why"...carve region?

Ideally what I want to do, although I did not mention, is to have this as a cutout.
I will clean it up in the PE tomorrow & see what I can get out of it.

Thanks for the help!

08-22-2009, 07:28 PM
like to see the original image I think something was lost in the editor. Looks like maybe it was blurred or smoothed to much. Denoise can even cause things to end up a little deluted.

08-22-2009, 07:28 PM
one thing I'm a bit confused as to the "why"...carve region?

Ideally what I want to do, although I did not mention, is to have this as a cutout.
I will clean it up in the PE tomorrow & see what I can get out of it.

Thanks for the help!if you waited to invert it till after it was on board there where areas that stick up go back and just delete the carve region and you can see them appear that why i said it would be best to go back to pattern editor and make sure to not invert it from there.I just put the region so you could see the difference

08-22-2009, 07:32 PM
The only image of that I could find is like 140x140 and that is going to be hard to clean up. Next to impossible to use in the Designer software.

Found one carved in olive wood.... just thought this was cool.

http://i84.servimg.com/u/f84/14/04/28/42/ow_zls10.gif (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=427&u=14042842)

08-22-2009, 07:54 PM
Eromran...makes sense now. The carve region is BECAUSE it seemed inverted initially.

That is one amazing project someone did LRW!

The first one in color & then the initial modification which is the following link. (http://sites.google.com/site/fbebaybiz/pics/cross-lastsupper.psd)

The psd was too large to upload to this forum.

08-22-2009, 10:08 PM
Eromran...makes sense now. The carve region is BECAUSE it seemed inverted initially.

That is one amazing project someone did LRW!

The first one in color & then the initial modification which is the following link. (http://sites.google.com/site/fbebaybiz/pics/cross-lastsupper.psd)

The psd was too large to upload to this forum.
The goggle image is not very sharp and clean, lots of noise in it. I tried to work with it on Photoshop. I got the edges cleaned up somewhat, but it still is not clean.

08-23-2009, 10:56 AM
It definitely looks much better...what did you do in PS to get it to this point?
This is kind of my "experiment" with the PE at this point & I'm starting a bit early for a Christmas gift

08-24-2009, 02:14 PM
It definitely looks much better...what did you do in PS to get it to this point?
This is kind of my "experiment" with the PE at this point & I'm starting a bit early for a Christmas gift
I am not sure what kind of programs you have. Lots of the stuff you can do in Photoshop can be done in the CW Pattern Editor. They work a little different, maybe? It is because different minds wrote the programs.

I work with both programs, I find it is easier to remove the back ground in PS and then save it to a PNG file, to keep it a file with the background removed, PNG and GIF formats are the only programs that will not add a background to your corrected image. I find the GIF format is best used with the WEB. Lots of data loss in the GIF format. Not the best images to make a PTN, unless they are very large files. The image you posted was too small to start with, and was maybe converted into several different formats, and one of them was a JPEG, my CW designer does not like JPEG files.

I start with an image that is at least 300 DPI. You can increase the image to make it that size file with PS, but it is best to work with the original images that are that size.

Or use vector images, they are basally out lined images filled with grayscale tones. I like to use AI, and Corel programs to work with these images. Both programs save to a PNG file.

In the PE I like to work in the Grayscale mode. In both PS and the PE make your image to look like an image that you scanned with the CW Scanner. Use the brush to add and Erase to remove, and with the eye dropper to change the image.

Hope this helps. You can PM me with your e-mail address, I maybe able to make you a PDF with more details and photos. The forum does not like large files.