View Full Version : 2 Sided carve then pattern cut?

07-31-2009, 11:02 AM
To maintain stability during 2 sided carving I would like to make the final cut pattern on the second side after both sides have carved. But, the cut seems to only allow to be done on the first side. I am using 1/8" tabs and when I flip the cut project in my jig I am afraid of breaking them and be unable to carve the second side. I tried to design my cuts on the second side but I am unabe to make them a cut pattern? Am I missing something?


07-31-2009, 11:09 AM
The machine will always carve the back side of the project first and Designer is smart enough to only allow you to place a cut path on the front side of the board. If you use the built in cut path tool the tabs will be adjusted for any carvings done on the back of the board. If you are manually creating the cut out with a vector path then it is up to you to manually leave tabs.

07-31-2009, 12:00 PM
Thanks Jeff, that may be a problem here because it is not carving side 2 first.. I have the cut pattern on side one with my carve area, the machine carves then asks for cut bit and does the cut, it does not tell me to flip before the cut begins and, shouldn't it carve the other side before asking for cut bit? :confused:. I will check all settings then try again. Am I to tell the machine there are 2 sided or does it auto know from design?


The machine will always carve the back side of the project first and Designer is smart enough to only allow you to place a cut path on the front side of the board. If you use the built in cut path tool the tabs will be adjusted for any carvings done on the back of the board. If you are manually creating the cut out with a vector path then it is up to you to manually leave tabs.

07-31-2009, 12:02 PM
Hey, Rick

So long as you have a design on the back of the board, and one on the front, it knows.

If you're trying to carve one mpc on the front, and another mpc on the back, it doesn't.

07-31-2009, 12:13 PM
Jerry, I copied and pasted the front design to the back.. it is duplicate of front. I did not copy and past the cutouts, the only cutout layout is on the front side.


Hey, Rick

So long as you have a design on the back of the board, and one on the front, it knows.

If you're trying to carve one mpc on the front, and another mpc on the back, it doesn't.

07-31-2009, 12:19 PM
How 'bout sharing the mpc? Something's not right.

07-31-2009, 12:25 PM
Hi Rick,

When your machine asked for the cutting bit did the machine start the carving with it.
I believe the machine asks for the last bit to be used First -- to measure it on the touch plate.
Then it will ask for the other bits so it can measure them for when they will be needed,
the cutting bit is the last bit needed to cut out your project from the front of the project board.

08-01-2009, 10:32 AM
Hi floks.. thanks for info.. During my experiments to duplicate cut path on second side of work, not realizing as you explained 2nd side gets cut first, I left duplicate cut paths there overlapped. Even though they didn't act as a cut path on second side, they were there on top of each other. I deleted them, deleted empty groups and was sure just basic drawing and cut path was there on side 1. It worked, flipping and all, guess what I had left confused the machine.

Now have problem aligning back and front, but that is another story lol, seems there is problem with calibrating sensors, I get "Cal Range Error" I will start a new thread with this, so no need to answer here.. TY all.. :p


08-01-2009, 07:10 PM
The way I do front back alignment is draw and place the art on side 1.

If you are going to copy the front, now is the time to do it.

Then select the drill and place 2, 3, or 4 holes at key points just outside your art. This will show through the back.

Select rear view and paste your art. Flip the art and move it into position using the drill holes....

Back to the front of the board and remove the drill holes and save project.

Upload and your done....

As for doing 2 sided projects....

Load the board, select the project, Press enter... IT WILL NOW ASK YOU TO PLACE BACK OF BOARD IN MACHINE. Select Enter and then it starts asking for bits.......

So with a back side project it carves the back first.

Good Luck,