View Full Version : Another "Newbie" question- Board size

07-27-2009, 11:05 PM
I have run into a problem of telling the software/CW the size of my board; ie, 1X12 (3/4"X11 1/4") and when I put the board in the CW it measures it and says the board width is 11.249" and wants to know if I want to scale the project or reload a new board with the proper dimensions. This gets quite aggravating especially when I shut it down, remove the card, go back in the house to my office, change the size of my board to the size the CW thinks it is, go back out to my shop and then when it measures my board again, it says it is 11.248. I have gotten in the habit now of just lying to it up front and taking an 1/8" off of whatever size board I am going to use. This works, but I am wondering if there is something else I can do to alleviate this or am I already doing the right thing by lying to the CW. Thanks in advance for the info guys.

07-27-2009, 11:36 PM

I used to have that problems too. I just started making my designer brd size 7, 9, 11 etc. Have not had a sizing problem since.

07-28-2009, 06:27 AM
Lying is the way to go, just as with women;), it saves a lot of grief. (no offense to any women concerned, just a joke, standard disclaimer etc...)

07-28-2009, 07:33 AM
While I agree the machine complaining about a few thou' is silly, there are a few points to consider.

Have you calibrated your machine recently?

How accurate is your wood? What I mean is if I buy standard dimensional lumber the width can vary by 1/8" or so. If it is a piece that I rip down on the table saw I figure I can get it within 1/16". So when I layout the project in Designer I will use something like 9.25" for a 1"x10", as the 10" dimension should 'actually' be around 9.5" or so.

If your cutting parts out of the board then it does not matter, if the full board is a finished piece then I'll tell the machine to center it.

07-29-2009, 09:31 PM
you can also take a piece of masking tape where the width is measured and hang it over the side of the board by 1/4" and trick the carver into thinking the board is wider. i use this all the time when i get a resize message. the scaner will measure the board to the edge of the tape. it work great and no scaling


07-29-2009, 11:51 PM
Supershingler, that's a great idea. Never thought of it. Thanks. I've taped thin strips on the edges and/or ends of boards to fool the board sensor but never thought of just hanging the tape over the edge.

07-31-2009, 01:34 PM
you can also take a piece of masking tape where the width is measured and hang it over the side of the board by 1/4" and trick the carver into thinking the board is wider. i use this all the time when i get a resize message. the scaner will measure the board to the edge of the tape. it work great and no scaling


I thought I was the only one doing this:twisted: