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View Full Version : Getting a scan to carve at right size

Don Butler
07-27-2009, 08:55 AM
I'm sure to be treading old ground, here, but try as I may, I just don't know how to get this right.

I've scanned a flat, irregularly shaped object. What I now want to do is carve it in exact full size.

Every time I try it, the result is a carved shape that doesn't keep the dimensions of the designed workpiece.

What am I doing wrong?


07-27-2009, 09:55 AM
I'm sure to be treading old ground, here, but try as I may, I just don't know how to get this right.

I've scanned a flat, irregularly shaped object. What I now want to do is carve it in exact full size.

Every time I try it, the result is a carved shape that doesn't keep the dimensions of the designed workpiece.

What am I doing wrong?


Hi Don,

Haven't "seen" you for awhile!

When you bring your scan into the Pattern Editor, are you cropping it tightly? (i.e., crop the scan exactly to the edge of the pixels on all four sides of the bounding box - zoom in greatly to make sure you are cropping right to the edges.)

Also, when you save it as a ptn and place it on the Designer board - do not rotate the item at all. Rotating may induce a slight distortion to your ptn.

After cropping and placement on the board, you should be able to drag any ptn corner handle to achieve the size you require.

Let us know if you still experience difficulty.

Don Butler
07-27-2009, 10:02 AM
Thanks, Mike.

I'll get back to you with that.

Why doesn't the size of the scan stay with the PTN?
I would have thought the scan would have the exact size as part of the data.


07-27-2009, 10:14 AM
In any of the newer version of Pattern Editor (from the past year or so) any scan you import will be the right size. I would suspect that maybe your using an older version or that your not adding the extra 7" to your 'real' board and the machine is scaling the whole project down.

One other change from the older versions is that Pattern Editor ignores any 'white space' around a pattern. The size displayed is the size of the actual visible pattern. When you save to a pattern (PTN) or one of the image formats the pattern will automatically be cropped as well. That way you get what you expect in Designer.

07-27-2009, 10:20 AM
Here is a possible "Quick & Dirty" way that may work, if your Design board is larger than your scanner pattern.

When you open your pattern library, go to the bottom and "uncheck" the option "Scale to fit board". This should then allow you to select your pattern and place it on your design the exact size of the scan.

07-27-2009, 11:26 AM
Here is a possible "Quick & Dirty" way that may work, if your Design board is larger than your scanner pattern.

When you open your pattern library, go to the bottom and "uncheck" the option "Scale to fit board". This should then allow you to select your pattern and place it on your design the exact size of the scan.

Hi Bud,

I don't think that will work - as far as I know, the Pattern Library Scale to Board feature simply automatically resizes a pattern downward if your board layout size is not big enough to fit a particular pattern upon.

I don't know that it has any relation to the original scan size.