View Full Version : pattern organizing

07-19-2009, 10:40 AM
I have software version 1.150.

I'd like to organize my patterns. When importing some images in the past I placed them in the 'favorites' list. I ended up with five 'favorite' lists, four of them duplicates. I managed to find the duplicates in my folders and delete them. Now I want to designate my own folders and move my patterns to those, but nothing in the favorites can be moved or deleted or renamed, and they are all mine.

I have searched the forum and found conflicting solutions, and references to an organizer program which apparently no longer exists.

Every other program in the world has a drag and drop organizer. How does CarveWright do it?

Olin :confused:

07-19-2009, 11:29 AM

You should be able to do that by right clicking on the file or folder. It will give you the option to delete or rename. If you right click on a folder it give you the option to create a new folder.

You can also be able to drag the file from folder to folder.
Hope this helps.

07-19-2009, 11:40 AM
If you right click on favorites, you can create a new category but it will be empty (so no plus sign) and you cannot drag patterns to it. One way to overcome this is to create the new category when you import a pattern. Then, it is not empty, you can open the new category and drag more patterns to it.

07-19-2009, 11:52 AM
Got ya. I have several categories listed but forgot I made them on import. Good point.:)

07-19-2009, 12:53 PM
Here is an AVI lesson on organization.

07-19-2009, 02:27 PM

You should be able to do that by right clicking on the file or folder. It will give you the option to delete or rename. If you right click on a folder it give you the option to create a new folder.

You can also be able to drag the file from folder to folder.
Hope this helps.

On the FAVORITES folder, right click does nothing --no dropdown menu. However I have found that going into C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\CarveWright and double clicking on favorites.mpn it brings up a window questioning whether you have purchased the patterns (I designed them). Press cancel and it duplicates that file. The duplicate can be renamed in Designer and drag-and-drop will duplicate (not move) to another folder (but you can't drag-and-drop INTO 'favorites' or 'basic').

Looks like the hard way.

I would like to name categories in the favorites file like in the basic file, but it doesn't happen, and I checked to see if I could move from one subcategory in basic to another, and that won't work either. Maybe it works when you originally create a pattern, but I can't see how to organize patterns already created.


07-19-2009, 05:05 PM

There may be the difference due to operating systems. I am using Vista with designer 1.150 and I do get a drop down menu. Maybe someone else can verify this.

07-19-2009, 06:16 PM
I am using XP and I get the drop don menu. Are we talking about the same things? In the designer program, in the pattern list which has favorites and basic categories, right click on favorites and a small box appears with new, rename, and import choices. If you choose new you can create a new sub category inside of the favorite category. The problem is it will be empty and therefore useless! Instead, import a bitmap into designer using import under the file menu. When you get to saving it you can create a new category to save it in. You now have a new category which is not empty. You can click the plus button beside the name in the pattern list, it will open and you can drag more patterns into your new category.
I don't think you can do any of this from outside the designer program.

07-20-2009, 01:45 PM
If you right click on favorites, you can create a new category but it will be empty (so no plus sign) and you cannot drag patterns to it. One way to overcome this is to create the new category when you import a pattern. Then, it is not empty, you can open the new category and drag more patterns to it.

You should be able to drag a pattern into a newly created folder.
When you drag a pattern over the new folder move your mouse cursor to the right off of the folder's name. This should move the red line indicating where it will drop to the right of the folder's name rather than underlining it.
Like this "NEWCAT__________" rather than "NEWCAT__________".

This same technique works to move patterns into already populated categories without opening them.

07-21-2009, 02:18 PM
Thank you, this is nice to know. Users would find this themselves, however, if the category names would simply highlight in blue as do most windows programs. I don't think I would have ever discovered this without you pointing it out.

07-21-2009, 04:45 PM
Good tip. I hadn't noticed the alignment of the red line. but first --

I think I solved my own problem so now drag and drop works. First I tried re-booting, but that changed nothing. Then I tried 'repair' but that changed nothing. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled, but that changed nothing. Then I bit the bullet and went into C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\CarveWright and deleted all the 'favorite.mpn' files. When Designer was re-opened it re-created a blank slate. All the Basic files are still there (and still unalterable, but can be copied into Favorites.) The new Favorites has the drop-down menu, and subfolders can be created, and patterns can be drag-and-dropped into the empty folders or imported into them.

Hallelulah! It works! Fortunately I had saved all my imports and patterns in a special Windows folder, and all I have to do is pull them in as needed. I feel so organized!

Now I guess I should clean my desk.


You should be able to drag a pattern into a newly created folder.
When you drag a pattern over the new folder move your mouse cursor to the right off of the folder's name. This should move the red line indicating where it will drop to the right of the folder's name rather than underlining it.
Like this "NEWCAT__________" rather than "NEWCAT__________".

This same technique works to move patterns into already populated categories without opening them.