View Full Version : Cut Path and Insets

07-19-2009, 09:38 AM
I thougth i had a good handle on insets, but apparnetly I dont know how they are applied when used in conjunction with a bit. Please see attached mpc. I wanted the cut path to bisect the 1/2 clasical rout directly in the middle. I tried 1/6 pos. and neg insets but neither did what I thought it should. The only way I got it to work was to create a duplicate path... use one for the route and one for the cut operation. Is this possible using only one path?


Doug Fletcher

07-19-2009, 10:07 AM
Hey Doug
You will have to use two paths like you stated. Even then, with the 1/8" bit it's going to take away 1/16" of your profile. You could make two paths with your profile bit spaced 1/8" apart , then have a third path down the middle useing the 1/8" bit cutting through.
If you have a router and table saw , it would be much easier.
later Daniel

07-19-2009, 10:16 AM
Thnaks... that was just a simply example to show my thinking. The actualy project has curved paths so the table saw wont really help. But i guess creating duplicate paths isnt that big of a deal.. i just thought it could be done using only one path. That way i dont have to worry about "perfectly" aligning the two paths.



07-19-2009, 11:28 AM
Do I understand this correctly? If you select a bit and also use cut path both on the same curve, the inset cannot be independently set for each. If I change the inset for the cut path, for example, the inset for the selected bit also changes to be the same. If this is not the result I want, I am forced to use two curves and deal with alignment problems.

If this is true, we should add a please change this to the wish list.

07-19-2009, 11:52 AM
Thats the way it is looking in my test peice anyways. Btw... I should have mentioned im using ver. 1.150. Like you I assumed I could set the offset for the cut path independently of the select bit offset.