View Full Version : 1.150 won't run.

07-18-2009, 05:23 PM
Installed on win xp computer, ran fine for about a week. One day decided to go through 'startup' items on computer to speed up boot times. I don't know if I turned off a service or program that designer requires.
When you go to double click on the designer icon on the desktop you get the hourglass, the splashpage shows up then disappears and that's it. Checked task manager in applications & processes and nothing related is running. Tried a repair to no avail, did an uninstall and then reinstalled and same thing happens.
This is a registered version, not a trial version. Had my centerline and everything available prior to this.
Called software support, never got back to me (had other things to do anyways).

Anybody have any ideas?



07-19-2009, 10:31 AM

If you haven't tried reinstalling designer you may want to try reinstalling it. If you are missing any files or services that may correct the problem. Good Luck

Download: Windows version 1.150 (http://www.carvewright.com/downloads/designer_1_150.exe) now

07-20-2009, 04:13 PM
OK, software support sent me an email that explained how to fix this problem.
(yes, it worked for me!)

(if you get anything that pops up while doing the procedure in the email just exit or close it out)

Here it is copy & pasted:

Dear Sir or Ma'am,

Some new features in the CarveWright Designer Software call upon services that are installed in the Windows Operating System. If these services are not functioning correctly then the CarveWright Designer Software will flash the designer logo and not operate. The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) runs/maintains several background programs/services on a Windows computer and that may not be noticed if it is running improperly. Our Software engineers have done research to find a solution that repairs your operating system. Once the WMI is running properly then the CarveWright Designer Software should operate without error. You can use one of the following instructions to repair your WMI:

Commands to re-register WMI components:

Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt

(type each of the following lines on screen hitting enter after each.)

cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem

for %i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %i

for %i in (*.exe) do %i /RegServer

If the preceding does not rectify the problem then you may have to re-install the WMI files.

Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt

(type each of the following lines on screen hitting enter after each.)

Insert Windows Operating CD

rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection WBEM 132 %windir%\inf\wbemoc.inf

If the neither of the preceding steps resolve the issue, we suggest completely re-installing your Windows Operating System or consulting your local computer repair technician. We hope this information is clear and helpful. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.