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View Full Version : Box and fingerjoints??

03-17-2006, 08:01 AM
Hi all,
I'm using the sample program (while I wait for tax refund and co. bonus check) before ordering my machine. I was wondering if the full program has or has anyone been able to set it up to cut box or fingerjoints without having to use the "connected line"? And also, was wondering about being able to cut the edges of the wood to a specific angle(to produce boxes with more than 4 sides)? The sample program is fairly limited which makes it kind of difficult to determine the capabilities of the full program.

03-17-2006, 04:07 PM
Hey carazy1
no to the box joints , but the bevel joints are accessable
right from the keypad on the machine. It uses a 1/4" roundnose bit to cut the bevels. It also will cut nice pocket holes through the software as I explained in another form. later Daniel
I could only get it to cut a 45 degree angle though, the rest of the angles I tried came up with an alarm( clean bit sencer). After many cleanings I figured they must not have it set up to do other angles. I ask this question in another form. They call it a bevel joint since it is laying down ,but it also cuts miter joints across the grain (like for picture frames) with an 1/8" spiral endmill.