View Full Version : My Hats off to the CW crew

07-02-2009, 12:52 AM
I have been laying low for the last few day after fight with my BS. If any of you ever feel like givin it ago with the old Band Saw ans let it have trun if off 1s2.

I came away with some stitches and a numb pinkie I was lucky

ANYWAY want to also say hey Today The 2 nd day of the month I got a Newsletter with all kinks of informant stuff in it. Al and it I'd mention something about that new finagle thing that will make 3 d come to life. I just want to say I know ya all been Bustin humps all month and ya did a fine job ladies and jents. I thank ya, My Father and his fatter thanks ya

All the way around. a big hand for all of the folks who helped put testing and all a job well done these actions show your comimet to the CW and the ones that buy them
Thanks you all take the rest of the week off you have earned it


07-02-2009, 12:04 PM

You devils....here I am all ready to go camping for the 4th of July and now all I'm going to do is think about carving some 3D objects...AH!!!
Thanks for the release and all the hard work on the application.
I just finished the last tutorial and am pulling the credit card out as I write.

This rocks.

Great balls of cool!


Doug Haffner