View Full Version : Can I do this?

06-24-2009, 01:17 PM
As I sit on hold with LHR waiting for help, I thought it might be faster to use the forum. I've just stripped the square hole trying to remove a broken QC and install the Rock. Believe me I've tried everything including a mini torch. In any case, the square hole is no longer square. I've noticed that the spindle and square hole is held on to the z truck with a mini clamp that I'm sure I could remove. Is this wise? and do you think LHR would send whatever falls out after I remove the clamp?

Wow, just talked to the LHR rep. Great people!! They will send a wrench to remove the z truck and they will repair at their cost, even though I think I'm the one who screwed up. I am very impressed with their service.

06-24-2009, 04:32 PM
Hum, make sure to tell them not to replace a new QC on your repaired Z truck.