View Full Version : For What its worth

Old Salt
03-11-2006, 09:41 PM
Have done many items most go well But This machine eats up lumber. being Cheep I hate to waste 3 in on each side to keep under rollers (which works best) so I've been glueing scap 3 " pieces to the ends of good stock and cutting it back off when item is done.

Cherry wood works great but costs big bucks

The angle pattern has a flaw on left side in the form of a hole- to fix this I put a circle around it and hit inverce. then lower it to as close to the other surface as I can . I can deal with this with sand paper better than fixing a hole.
Great machine Can' t wate to learn more. Sent your tips

Ron Smith
03-12-2006, 05:56 PM
and ended up doing the same thing you did. I have a source for some cherry, so I think I'll give it a shot this week. Thanks for the info.