View Full Version : Fatal Error 3 ?? 1.134

06-10-2009, 08:58 AM
Yesterday I did 2 back to back 6.5 hour carves. Pressing the stop button every 1/2 hour or so to clean and everything went perfectly.

Today I started a 2-1/2 hour carve (first of two to do), pressed stop at about 57% to clean and the Y stopped, The Z stopped but didn't retract, the cut motor stopped and it gave me a "Fatal Error 3" and thus, the carve is aborted.

Fatal error 3? Anyone know what that means?? And no, it's not the machine.

06-10-2009, 10:15 AM
Chris saw this one posted here about the same error, not sure if the specifics are the same as yours on the board leaving the roller.


06-10-2009, 10:20 AM
Fatal error 3? Anyone know what that means?? And no, it's not the machine.

I think if the machine was working 100% tunning it off every 1/2 hr could be ok but I like to keep the unit running
as much as i can without tunning it off as some intermediate probs can happen like this.

I do not think its a firmware issue but i could be wrong.


06-10-2009, 10:30 AM
Thanks badger,

Nope, board was fully under the rollers (as always) and about 57% through the carve.

I started it again and I'll let it cut air but this time I won't interrupt it. Right after this carve I'm going back to Ole reliable 1.126. Always did a nice job, never had an error or problem. When paying jobs are on the line, "experimenting" with the newer versions simply costs WAY too much.

With 1.126 I ALWAYS knew what I was going to get out of the CW. With any version since then it's ALWAYS, "who knows"? I'm too old to kneel in prayer next to my machine for 6 hours "hoping" it will compete a project without incident.

Funny how it seems no one from LHR responds to these questions anymore....:rolleyes:

06-10-2009, 10:33 AM
I think if the machine was working 100% tunning it off every 1/2 hr could be ok but I like to keep the unit running
as much as i can without tunning it off as some intermediate probs can happen like this.

I do not think its a firmware issue but i could be wrong.


I've been stopping my CW every 15 to 30 minutes since the day I bought it to vacuum it out. Never had an issue until I went beyond 1.126 that is. But yea, from now on I'll just have to force myself to let it get dirty and clean when it's finished. It's TOUGH being this annal about keeping my tools clean Brandon...LOL

06-10-2009, 10:41 AM

I tried to go back to 1.126 from 1.34 firmware that i had on the card. Inserted the card back into the machine after i programmed a carve on it. and it gave me errors, Try it and see if it works for you ..!!

06-10-2009, 10:42 AM
I use a air gun "very low air pressure" to blow out the dust, I try to keep the air away from the QC, motors packs and Aux roller location when cleaning, as the dust can work it way into the encoders or blow the Aux roller out of location.. :eek:


06-10-2009, 10:46 AM

I tried to go back to 1.126 from 1.34 firmware that i had on the card. Inserted the card back into the machine after i programmed a carve on it. and it gave me errors, Try it and see if it works for you ..!!

Thats stepping back too far try 1.133 the fees rates are spot on, but you will loose some error verbose without 1.34 firmware.

Also hopefully a new build will be out soon with a all the right stuff we need. 8)


06-10-2009, 10:48 AM
I use a air gun "very low air pressure" to blow out the dust, I try to keep the air away from the QC, motors packs and Aux roller location when cleaning, as the dust can work it way into the encoders or blow the Aux roller out of location.. :eek:


I'd like to do that but for whatever reason, my wife seems to object to me blowing dust around our basement...:rolleyes:

More than likely it's because it gets all over her Harley....LOL

But for the reasons you just mentioned, that's precisely why I vacuum it so often. Dust doesn't get "worked in" anywhere on my puppy...LOL

06-10-2009, 10:50 AM
Chris sorry to get off the subject a bit here....

when i upgraded it got rid of all my lower versions, so i had a 1.126 disk and tried that..can i down load the lower versions yet ?

06-10-2009, 10:52 AM

I tried to go back to 1.126 from 1.34 firmware that i had on the card. Inserted the card back into the machine after i programmed a carve on it. and it gave me errors, Try it and see if it works for you ..!!

Yea Dave, I've been back to 1.126 from 1.134 already. No troubles at all. In fact, the only reason for going back to 1.134 was for the optimal setting. But the carvings I'm doing now don't really need it and quite frankly, the time spent sanding doesn't cost nearly as much as the wasted materials from the newer versions....http://forum.carvewright.com/images/icons/icon10.gif

06-10-2009, 10:55 AM
Chris sorry to get off the subject a bit here....

when i upgraded it got rid of all my lower versions, so i had a 1.126 disk and tried that..can i down load the lower versions yet ?

I've kept all the full versions along the way. I could back to 1.120 if I wanted to. 1.133 had enough issues (from what I've read) that I never even installed it. Went from 1.132 right to 1.134. Don't know if you can still download them. I would "think" so but you'll have to ask LHR.

06-10-2009, 11:03 AM

So u went from 1.34 back to 1.126 on the firmware and it worked ?

I tried and it gave me an error....on the disk, went right the the scan area on the machine...didnt reconize the firmware at all...

06-10-2009, 11:04 AM
1.133 worked like the king of firmware " for me" I made most of my guitars with it until 1.134 came out, thats when i had issues.. I still go back to 1.133 for time to time.

After testing the new firmware last month, with speed rates more like 1.133 LHR changes seem to the best to date.

I really do not see a issue using 1.134 software and downgrading to a older firmware like 1.133 " on the card" but some people like Jeff said it was a bad idea. I never had issues, so install the new software and flash whatever you like on your card.. :)


06-10-2009, 11:18 AM

So u went from 1.34 back to 1.126 on the firmware and it worked ?

I tried and it gave me an error....on the disk, went right the the scan area on the machine...didnt reconize the firmware at all...

Yep, no problems at all. You may have had "other" issues if you had a problem going back.

But by the message you got, it sounds to me like you needed to tell the CW (sometimes again), where the scanner is attached.

06-10-2009, 11:23 AM
Chris sorry to get off the subject a bit here....

when i upgraded it got rid of all my lower versions, so i had a 1.126 disk and tried that..can i down load the lower versions yet ?

To download the older versions just fill in the version at the end of this link.

06-10-2009, 11:25 AM
tip, no need to unistall the software just save the firmware file..

the firmware file in your programs directory is called "control.mwn" this is the firmware file that ships with the software downloads, when upgrading copy this file in a directory called "firmware" but rename it to the version of software it came with like "firmware 1.126" then install the newest software
when running designer you can choose what version you need. The two do not need to be in sync.

06-10-2009, 11:34 AM
That's an interesting tip Brandon, thanks.

What I really wish is that we had a list of what these error codes mean. It frustrates the hell out of a "do-it-yourself-er" like me to not know what went wrong. I mean..."Fatal error 3"...OK, what the hell does that mean?...LOL

When my truck has a problem I plug in the "error" code reader and I get and explanation. When my computer has an issue I get an error message (well most times...lol) that tells me what went wrong or at least, where to start looking.

With this it's just...error # whatever and oh well, your project is toast. Frustrating!! LOL

06-11-2009, 01:23 AM
just did 3 carves of 6 hours each without vacuuming at all. the sand paper belts bring most of it out. it only built up to the top of the black shelf. i didnt even move the slideing plate since they were all 5" wide. i think they designed it to take a lot of shavings.

06-11-2009, 05:16 AM
just did 3 carves of 6 hours each without vacuuming at all. the sand paper belts bring most of it out. it only built up to the top of the black shelf. i didnt even move the slideing plate since they were all 5" wide. i think they designed it to take a lot of shavings.

Hey Tim,

Yea on narrow stuff it's not too big a deal. These were 1 x 12's and 14.5" wide projects. Not much dust gets off the board and hence builds up pretty quick under the rollers. Also, if your 5" wide took 6 hours then either they were very long boards (and the dust can still get off them) or you were using shorter stuff and Optimal and thus, not creating "that much" dust.

Mine were 6 foot long 1 x 12 (basically a 1/4" deep region almost full width with raised letters the whole way) and took 6:51 hours each on Best. With nowhere to go, that much material removal that fast piles up a lot very quickly...LOL Although I had no issue stopping either of them multiple times to clean.

The two 14.5 x 14.5 took 2:43 hours each. I had the fatal error issue on the first one stopping it once at 57%. I reran it and the second one without stopping them.

I don't know. Perhaps it was just a "fluke" that one time but that's the problem, "I don't know". I honestly wanted to stop them to see if it would happen again but these are paid for projects and I couldn't take the chance.

Although I am pretty annal about keeping it clean "as it carves", the bigger issue is I work in my basement and have to keep pretty tight control over the dust. A "professional" type dust collection system simply isn't in the budget however I am designing a collection hood that will work with my shop vac. The sketch is in the "dust collector" thread...somewhere...LOL

06-12-2009, 12:42 AM
Hey Tim,

Yea on narrow stuff it's not too big a deal. These were 1 x 12's and 14.5" wide projects. Not much dust gets off the board and hence builds up pretty quick under the rollers. Also, if your 5" wide took 6 hours then either they were very long boards (and the dust can still get off them) or you were using shorter stuff and Optimal and thus, not creating "that much" dust.

Mine were 6 foot long 1 x 12 (basically a 1/4" deep region almost full width with raised letters the whole way) and took 6:51 hours each on Best. With nowhere to go, that much material removal that fast piles up a lot very quickly...LOL Although I had no issue stopping either of them multiple times to clean.

The two 14.5 x 14.5 took 2:43 hours each. I had the fatal error issue on the first one stopping it once at 57%. I reran it and the second one without stopping them.

I don't know. Perhaps it was just a "fluke" that one time but that's the problem, "I don't know". I honestly wanted to stop them to see if it would happen again but these are paid for projects and I couldn't take the chance.

Although I am pretty annal about keeping it clean "as it carves", the bigger issue is I work in my basement and have to keep pretty tight control over the dust. A "professional" type dust collection system simply isn't in the budget however I am designing a collection hood that will work with my shop vac. The sketch is in the "dust collector" thread...somewhere...LOL

to go cheap on a dust collector find an heating and cooling company in your area and go by to see if you can go through there dump pile and get a squirle cage blower out of one of the inside units. usually the fans are o.k. and they come in 220v or 110v the 110v are harder to come by but i have picked up 3 in the last 6 months. same desing ans most of the commercial collector just the squirl cage is a little bigger. i'm sure you could buy the bag from somewhere.

i double dog dare you to do a 13"x7' carve and n ot look at it. when i did it it just compacted the pine back down in the carving and continued on. it did pile up over the shelf too but most was convetyor belted out. yuo've been double dog dared now..... :>}

06-12-2009, 12:46 AM
get one the 110v have a black and white wire plus some others. the 220v have a purple instead of white.