View Full Version : Suggestion for CW Designer (software improvement)

06-09-2009, 06:50 PM
While upgrading EZ Carve to support PNG, I noticed that PNG (libpng which is what I am assuming you guys are using) supports a 16 bit grayscale image now. It is a single channel 16 bit, and is a documented format from the official PNG developers. If used as an unsigned 16 bit image, that would give depth resolutions of over 65000 steps. This would be a tremendous improvement over the 8 bit PNG which gives only 256 steps, thus leaving the image with more of a stair step when it comes out of the CW box if you use the full range. The resolution that could be applied to the carve would be substantially better.

The settings for png_set_IHDR includes bit depth of 16 & color_type of PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY.

just an idea,

06-09-2009, 07:29 PM
Well, considering the machine is only capable of 1/128", anything much beyond that is just extra overhead in terms of file size and image rendering. Add to that, the max carving depth of 0.80", then maybe you will see that 256 levels is more than enough for the software.


06-10-2009, 09:14 PM
Well, considering the machine is only capable of 1/128", anything much beyond that is just extra overhead in terms of file size and image rendering. Add to that, the max carving depth of 0.80", then maybe you will see that 256 levels is more than enough for the software.


I've discussed 16-bit graphic support a few times over the last couple years with the inventor of the machine. More steps=smoother carves. You might just see that support someday! Who knows?;)

06-10-2009, 10:23 PM
A longer endmill with that + slower horizontal movement = more depth too

I've discussed 16-bit graphic support a few times over the last couple years with the inventor of the machine. More steps=smoother carves. You might just see that support someday! Who knows?;)

06-11-2009, 01:26 AM
A longer endmill with that + slower horizontal movement = more depth too

yes please now shouting YES PLEASE MORE DEPTH.

06-11-2009, 04:19 AM
I've discussed 16-bit graphic support a few times over the last couple years with the inventor of the machine. More steps=smoother carves. You might just see that support someday! Who knows?;)

Are the resolutions of the X-Y and Z axis the same? The Z-axis could have higher resolution than the X-Y axis.

06-11-2009, 10:42 AM
Designer reads and process 8, 24, 32 bit PNG images. Designer is not a 8 bit "256 color" only app.

A simple test is to load a 256 color image in Designer, see how it looks , then load a 32 bit "alpha" you will see
that the 32 bit image will automatically drops the background and will be much smoother..

If designer only used 256 colors internally you would never be able to merge raster information like we do now.


06-11-2009, 07:19 PM
So it uses the alpha channel. I'll need to take that into account somehow and I'll mess with the other resolutions as well. Hmm..... sounds like a software update for EZ Carve will be needed ;)


Designer reads and process 8, 24, 32 bit PNG images. Designer is not a 8 bit "256 color" only app.

A simple test is to load a 256 color image in Designer, see how it looks , then load a 32 bit "alpha" you will see
that the 32 bit image will automatically drops the background and will be much smoother..

If designer only used 256 colors internally you would never be able to merge raster information like we do now.


06-12-2009, 11:44 AM
Just got off of the phone with Alex at LHR. Very professional and very knowledgeable.

Here are some software limitations that I feel should be included and or fixed:

Increase the numeric precision to a value that is closer to what the Machine can cut. I believe I read from a post from Rob that the machine can cut to 1/128. I need precision to 4 digits, 1/16". The machine can only handle 3 digits of precision.

When you draw a line with either the Line Segment or Connected Line tool and then want to increase the length of the line, the line snaps back to the left and sometimes off of the work surface. In many of my drawings I have precise angles that now get screwed up. It would be nice to avoid this action.

When you break a figure to make some changes there is no way to attach the figure back together.

Include a way to perform a measurement of an overall dimension. Many CAD packages offer this tool and is great to double check that you did not make a mistake with a measurement.

When you select the Line Segment or Connected Line tool and start drawing a line, It would be nice to show the length of the line that you are drawing in the status bar. Makes it easy to know when to stop drawing the line.

If you draw a line with several vertexes and make a mistake the only way to undo the mistake is to perform an Edit-Undo action. There should be a method to select the mistake area and delete it or be given a way to redraw the segment.



06-12-2009, 12:29 PM
Hey Joe, Not really limitations but perhaps you're not quite familiar with the program yet? I'll answer these in the order you listed them.

1) Yes, I have posted many times about a fourth decimal so we can spec 1/16". Would also be nice if we could specify angles with at least one decimal place i.e 22.5 As of now we can't get half a 45 on a single line segment. You can if it's a two line corner and you use the green the angle input.

2) I never had a line "snap back to the left" on me but sometimes if it's attached to something that's locked to center or has some other attachments on it, you can get some pretty funny actions.

3) You can re-attach broken objects the same way you "attach" any objects. Select them both, grab one of the red handles and drag it over the other objects red handle until you see the red attach symbol. If after doing this you don't want the vertex that's left, right click it and remove it. What I wish is that we could break circles and ovals.

4) Not sure what you mean by an "overall dimension". Any objects dimensions are shown in the size inputs boxes and in the blue dimension above the object.

5) The length of a line (or any object) is displayed as you draw both in the blue dimension right above the object and in the dimension input boxes on the tool bar.

6) If you mean the last segment you drew, then undo is the quickest way to go back and redraw it. If you mean a segment several steps back, then breaking it at both ends would be one way to remove it.

Hope this helps...http://forum.carvewright.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

06-12-2009, 02:55 PM
Hello Chris,

Thanks for the feedback. When I was talking with Alex, he indicated that the features I was asking about were not available.

2. Draw a line, stop, Start a new line and change direction, 45 degree angle.
Start a new line from the vertex and go a short length. Attempt to lengthen the last line by clicking on the blue measurement. The line will snap back to the left. Alex indicated that this is as designed. Notice that your 45 degree angle will change in degree and length.

3. I will try your suggestion. But I have found that once I brake a figure and try to realign, problems appear that would not happen if I did not break the figure.

4. Draw three separate lines connected together with three vertexes. How long is the entire line. In other CAD packages you can perform a measurement from one end of a vertex, across several other vertexes and get the total length of all joined lines.

5. See item 4.

6. If you break the figure you cannot re-join, If you then want to perform an operation on the entire image you cannot.

Thanks for the quick response.


06-12-2009, 03:19 PM
Hi Joe,

Hmmm... I don't have those issues. First picture shows 3 lines. First vertical, then a 45 line, then another vertical 135. last line was 4". Second picture shows typed in 6", third picture shows the 6" line. No snap back to the left and the angles all good. Are you locking in those angles as you go? You need to.

Trying the 3 line overall dimension next.....

06-12-2009, 03:24 PM
Hi Joe,

OK, Three 3" connected lines. Overall of 9" shown in size dimension box on tool bar. First picture

EDIT: I should also note that the size box keeps track of the overall dimension of irregular shapes as well. (8.657" in this case) Second picture shows overall dimension of shape. Third shows the same length line for comparison.

I guess I'd need to know more about what you're trying to do with the "break" issue. When I break an object I can "edit" it any way I want. If by "perform an operation" you mean like a cut path or a carved region, then no, you can't do those two things unless it's a solid path all around. You can apply any bit to it however.

It would seem by your posts that you have some experience with CAD programs. I've been using AutoCad since version 10 for DOS and believe me, it's harder for folks who know CAD to get used to Designer because we expect the same type of environment and tools. I too went crazy at first but then learned that Designer can do many (not all) of the same things but in a completely different way...LOL

06-12-2009, 03:56 PM
Ok Chris,

Now my curiosity is really high. Maybe there is some setting I am missing:

Try this example:

Line1 has horizontal line, 45 degree line and another horizontal line.
Change the length on the last line to a longer length.

See results on line2.



06-12-2009, 04:01 PM

You are right on the cad packages.

All this time I am looking on the status line for total line length.
After looking at your example, it is staring at me at the top of the screen.



06-12-2009, 04:04 PM
No problem, First picture shows a 3" line, a 45 line and another 3" line. Second picture shows the second line changed to 6"

Remember, lock those angles as you go. If you don't Designer gets confused and can throw things around.

06-12-2009, 04:10 PM

You are right on the cad packages.

All this time I am looking on the status line for total line length.
After looking at your example, it is staring at me at the top of the screen.



Yep...LOL. You can also type directly in those size/angle boxes in either decimal or fraction format to control the size of the selected object.

EDIT: Also Joe, (picture) since obviously you're into precision. If you don't see the little white line next to your lines, then the lines are NOT perfectly vertical or horizontal. Even if it says 90 in the angle box of a vertcal line, if that little "plumb / level" indicator isn't there, just click in the angle box and hit enter and you'll see that indicator.

09-09-2009, 11:38 AM
Given the revisions and improvements to the use of tabs, it would hopefully be an easy add-on to allow drawing lines for tabs over a route with the 1/8" bit (for cutouts on a sled etc).

09-11-2009, 11:45 PM
i can put it back together as one by highlighting both objects and dragging the red ball to the one i want to connect to.