View Full Version : Big projects question

Rick P
05-16-2009, 12:14 AM
When designing big sign projects, like 14" wide x 40" long, with large letters in Centerline is it normal for layout changes to take a long time to refresh on the computer screen? (Long time being 2 to 4 minutes)

If not, something is going on with my computer that I'm not understanding.
Or I need to upgrade.


05-16-2009, 06:21 AM
Upgraded mine 2 months ago due to things being slow, only had 512m ram, now have 3 gig and things really improved. Could be anything from CPU speed, Ram speed/amount, graphics card. Also check to see what else is running at the same time. Do you have other programs open? How much is in your startup? The more you have going on the less there is for a graphics program to use.
Good luck,
Rick H.

05-16-2009, 08:10 AM
I have read that the software takes a much longer time to process centerline text over raster text. I downloaded a large and yet very simple centerline project and it took ove a minute to process and display and I have a real stud of a desktop. Quad processor, 4 gigs RAM, great video processor and SATA drives. It must have to do with Centerline over Raster.

Hope this helps,


05-17-2009, 09:15 PM
When working on my Aunt's 6' house sign, I found myself waiting around the 2 minute mark on each update. After getting a general idea with the lettering in place I deleted them and finished up the remaining details before adding them back to the project. It was a little annoying, but you can't argue with the results from the CarveWright!! Most of us don't have a dedicated PC for the CW and the more you have loaded on your home PC, the more time it'll take to process.