View Full Version : Scale question

05-14-2009, 11:45 AM
Hello All, I am still very new to the machine and have alot of figure out.
My question is it take a pattern or an item I scanned and go to carve it I can not get the scale right. How can I make sure that the measurements of a finished item will be the same size of what I scanned or imported?

I need the scale to be 1 to 1 and I always end up way off. How do I measure the item in the software?


05-14-2009, 12:09 PM

IF your real board is the same width of the board in Designer, and it is 7 inches longer than Designer's board, you shouldn't have any problems. If it is even a tiny bit shorter, or narrower, you'll have scaling problems.

I always make my board a little wider than the one in Designer, and a little bigger than the 7 inches need to stay under the rollers.

When the machine measures your board, if it's smaller than the one in Designer, it will ask you to scale the project to fit the board - that's not good.

If you follow my method, the machine will measure the board, then ask you to center the project (yes), cut board to size (no) stay under rollers (yes), you're good to go.

05-14-2009, 12:29 PM
You have several options as you design your carve.
The picture, attached below, shows the use of Grids and where you find the measurements for the height and length of your item.
I'm also including an 48.1 MB AVI Video on Determining the size of an Object.

If you go to my signature, below, you will find a wealth of tutorials and links to help you in your work.

05-14-2009, 08:26 PM
Don't forget that you need to tightly crop your scan before saving it as a pattern.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HOW TO: After drawing a rectangle around the scan using the Rectangle Selection Tool in the Pattern Editor, I zoom in very,very tight to the top/bottom/and sides (zooming almost to pixel level) and drag each of the four bounding box lines tight so that the line touches the very outermost edge of the pixels of the scan/pattern on all four sides, then select "crop".

Another little tip...be sure to click the Round Edges Tool after cropping and before saving as a pattern. NOTE: The Round Edges Tool does NOT round the edges...it "floors" the edges of your pattern down to the zero plane. That tool should probably be renamed to ...well, "Floor Edges" just like it is in the "Import Tool" in Designer...it performs exactly the same function!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By cropping and flooring the edges, you are assured of an accurate dimension when placed and resized on the board in Designer. If you don't crop your scans/patterns, then your dimensions will be "off" when used in Designer.

Last tip...after you have edited/cropped any scan, save it as BOTH an MPW (name it something DIFFERENT from your original MPW file) and as a PTN. That way, you can always open your edited MPW for further editing in the future without having to crop it all over again. It's also good insurance so that if you update to a newer version of Designer or change computers, you can open a non-copyprotected MPW and edit &/or resave as a PTN so you'll not be "shut out" of editing your own patterns if you ever need to later.

05-14-2009, 10:06 PM
When you place a pattern on the board it tell you the size of the pattern on tools bar. Look for the Size box with an x in between. You can change the size in the box to your specific size.

05-20-2009, 10:00 PM
I've never experienced an issue like this with any of my other software. If I design something in Adobe Illustrator or Corel and then use the import tool in designer the image increases in size every time. If the image measures 10" in Illustrator, then it should measure 10" in Carvewright's Designer but it doesn't. You should not have to re-scale an image to get an 1:1 scale. It's almost like there is a difference in PPI.

Hobby Central

05-20-2009, 10:52 PM
I've never experienced an issue like this with any of my other software. If I design something in Adobe Illustrator or Corel and then use the import tool in designer the image increases in size every time. If the image measures 10" in Illustrator, then it should measure 10" in Carvewright's Designer but it doesn't. You should not have to re-scale an image to get an 1:1 scale. It's almost like there is a difference in PPI.

Hobby Central

Yes, it has to do with dpi (dot per inch). I don't know how CW designer read the dpi but if you want quality and detail you should always start with 300 dpi.

Ok, it seem like CW Designer read 128 dpi image. So if you make a 3"x4" image with 128 dpi it will import in designer with the same size.