View Full Version : Designer crashes during file upload

04-26-2009, 10:26 PM
Maybe somebody can find a problem with this mpc!

I am trying to do an upload and after I get the pop up box telling me about the cutouts interfering with the aux. roller and hit ignore I get the dreaded window telling me that gui.exe is closing.

Also, The original mpc had a 3/8" circle route .500 depth centered on the board on the back and it would tell me that would not be done because it would interfere with the aux. roller.

I verified several other mpc for upload and they all worked just fine. Something specific to the mpc.


I started with a blank board and re drew everything front and back just the same as the first mpc and the new one uploads without crashing designer. I must have done something on the first one while editing it that screwed it up... GO FIGURE!

04-27-2009, 09:31 AM

I took a look at the file and had the same results you did. However, I think I may have found the culprit. There is something about the cut-path that you have on the outside edge of the board. I removed the path and was able to upload.

I also found that if you flip the cut on that particular path that it would upload without an issue. Not sure what is going on with that path, but hope that these ideas help.

04-27-2009, 10:17 AM

Thanks for the feedback on this. I will take a look at what you did to see if I can do the same thing. Like I said in my edit update, I did re do everything on a new board and it worked just fine. Prior to doing the new one I did try just doing a copy and paste to a new board and got the same crash.

Edit update: Alex, I did the filp cutout like you stated and uploaded just fine. Also I did not get the " The original mpc had a 3/8" circle route .500 depth centered on the board on the back and it would tell me that would not be done because it would interfere with the aux. roller." message on this either.

04-27-2009, 11:34 AM
Quick note though I noticed you have a misspelled word adminastrator, it should be administrator.

Please don't do what I do and carve it and discover the mistake after you have finished it!


04-27-2009, 11:45 AM
Good catch Ike.

Yes, please do correct the misspelling. I myself have had that problem in the past.

04-27-2009, 09:19 PM
Quick note though I noticed you have a misspelled word adminastrator, it should be administrator.

Please don't do what I do and carve it and discover the mistake after you have finished it!



Thanks for the spell check!!

Luckily this was just my initial set up for show and tell for a customer. She came over today and she took that out of the carving.

I know I have done 1 or 2 carves with misspelled words. I usually do a copy and paste into WORD for the spell check.

Hey maybe "spell check" should be added to the software upgrade!