View Full Version : 1.134 crashes when importing image for pattern

04-06-2009, 07:22 PM
In the new upgrade, every time I attempt to save a png file into patterns, the program crashes, disappears.

Any ideas?

04-06-2009, 07:51 PM
Trashed program, downloaded again and reinstalled.
Still crashes with image import.

04-06-2009, 08:00 PM
Rebooted, attempted to import old images that were already in pattern favorites from version 1.131.
Still crashes.

04-06-2009, 09:12 PM
Explain step by step how you are attempting to import the images.

04-06-2009, 10:45 PM
I get an error when I try to import an image on version 1.134.

When I select an image and request OPEN with GUI (Photo 1) I get an error message (photo 2 & 3)

With version 1.132 the image would import to the Pattern Editor. With Version 1.134 it tries to load in the Designer and gives me this error.

I need to launch the Pattern Editor to import the image into the PE, I can make it work, but it takes three extra steps to do that.

I’m using Windows XP Pro

04-06-2009, 10:52 PM
Here ya go, Jeff:

File/Import/Import Image File
Import Image dialogue box: From file
Select grayscale png file, which appears inside yellow box
Waiting, waiting . . . CRASH
Dialogue box: "The application CareWright quit unexpectedly."

Report follows:

Process: CarveWright [373]
Path: /Applications/CarveWright.app/Contents/MacOS/CarveWright
Identifier: CarveWright
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: PPC (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [65]

Date/Time: 2009-04-06 23:45:34.756 -0400
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008b5908 QPixmap::convertFromImage(QImage const&, QPixmap::ColorMode) + 28
1 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008b5b60 QPixmap::QPixmap(QImage const&) + 100
2 CarveWright 0x001bb884 SaveItemDialog::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) + 136
3 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008a3038 QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) + 236
4 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x00bf243c QListView::selectionChanged(QListViewItem*) + 144
5 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x009630b4 QListView::setCurrentItem(QListViewItem*) + 468
6 CarveWright 0x000f84a0 SaveItemDialog::SaveItemDialog(QWidget*, char const*, bool, unsigned int) + 868
7 CarveWright 0x00068ffc MainForm::saveItem(bool, Pattern, QString const&) + 44
8 CarveWright 0x00071d3c MainForm::importImage(bool) + 208
9 CarveWright 0x001c4790 VMainForm::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) + 2208
10 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008a30f8 QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) + 428
11 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008a5958 QObject::activate_signal(int) + 256
12 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x00bff04c QAction::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) + 244
13 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008a3038 QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) + 236
14 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x00be1ee4 QSignal::signal(QVariant const&) + 140
15 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008bbe28 QSignal::activate() + 112
16 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x0097f090 QPopupMenu::activateItemAt(int) + 532
17 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x009d49ec QMenuBar::activate(OpaqueMenuRef*, short, bool, bool) + 396
18 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008274c4 QApplication::globalEventProcessor(OpaqueEventHand lerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 13212
19 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96775ca8 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1484
20 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96774e40 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 464
21 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96791da4 SendEventToEventTarget + 52
22 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x967c7474 SendHICommandEvent(unsigned long, HICommand const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventRef**) + 452
23 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x967ede40 SendMenuItemSelectedEvent + 136
24 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x967edd44 FinishMenuSelection(MenuData*, MenuData*, MenuResult*, MenuResult*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned char) + 136
25 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x967ca9a8 MenuSelectCore(MenuData*, Point, double, unsigned long, OpaqueMenuRef**, unsigned short*) + 568
26 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96859c74 MenuSelect + 100
27 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x0082397c QApplication::do_mouse_down(Point*, bool*) + 208
28 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008250a8 QApplication::globalEventProcessor(OpaqueEventHand lerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 3968
29 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96775ca8 DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1484
30 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96774e40 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 464
31 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96791da4 SendEventToEventTarget + 52
32 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x967a549c ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCa llRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*) + 2472
33 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x967760fc DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 2592
34 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96774e40 SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 464
35 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x96791da4 SendEventToEventTarget + 52
36 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x0081f6dc qt_mac_send_event(unsigned int, OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueWindowPtr*) + 208
37 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x0084b520 QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned int) + 292
38 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x0086bfdc QEventLoop::enterLoop() + 108
39 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x0086bed0 QEventLoop::exec() + 64
40 CarveWright 0x00006d20 main + 6536
41 CarveWright 0x00005050 start + 64
42 ??? 0x00000ffc 0 + 4092

Thread 1:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x910b79e8 accept$UNIX2003 + 12
1 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x00a429d4 QSocketDevice::accept() + 68
2 CarveWright 0x00139f6c IpcServerThread::run() + 600
3 libqt-mt.3.dylib 0x008525c8 QThreadInstance::start(void*) + 128
4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107a024 _pthread_start + 316

Thread 2:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91038158 mach_msg_trap + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9103f07c mach_msg + 56
2 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x919d0554 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1812
3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x919d0ddc CFRunLoopRun + 60
4 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x95237568 TSystemNotificationTask::SystemNotificationTaskPro c(void*) + 104
5 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91ca6458 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107a024 _pthread_start + 316

Thread 3:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91038158 mach_msg_trap + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9103f07c mach_msg + 56
2 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x919d0554 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 1812
3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x919d0ddc CFRunLoopRun + 60
4 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x952376e4 TFSEventsNotificationTask::FSEventsNotificationTas kProc(void*) + 176
5 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91ca6458 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107a024 _pthread_start + 316

Thread 4:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9103eb6c __semwait_signal + 12
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107b3cc _pthread_cond_wait + 1580
2 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91ca8674 TSWaitOnCondition + 132
3 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91c86ab0 TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 204
4 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91ca8230 MPWaitOnQueue + 272
5 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x95242c24 TNodeSyncTask::SyncTaskProc(void*) + 88
6 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91ca6458 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76
7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107a024 _pthread_start + 316

Thread 5:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91079864 kevent + 12
1 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x919a7d40 __monitor_file_descriptor__ + 88

Thread 6:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9109bd20 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 12
1 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x919db9c8 __CFSocketManager + 764

Thread 7:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x910381d8 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107b2c8 _pthread_cond_wait + 1320
2 com.apple.Foundation 0x9123bb24 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 384
3 com.apple.Foundation 0x9123b950 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 268
4 com.apple.AppKit 0x9587eeac -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 664
5 com.apple.Foundation 0x911fe764 __NSThread__main__ + 1004
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107a024 _pthread_start + 316

Thread 8:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9103eb6c __semwait_signal + 12
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107b3cc _pthread_cond_wait + 1580
2 libGLProgrammability.dylib 0x90b3dbc8 glvmDoWork + 120
3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107a024 _pthread_start + 316

Thread 9:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x910381d8 semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap + 8
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107b2c8 _pthread_cond_wait + 1320
2 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91c86ad4 TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 240
3 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91ca8230 MPWaitOnQueue + 272
4 com.apple.DesktopServices 0x952448e4 TFolderSizeTask::FolderSizeTaskProc(void*) + 88
5 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91ca6458 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9107a024 _pthread_start + 316

Thread 0 crashed with PPC Thread State 32:
srr0: 0x008b5908 srr1: 0x0200f030 dar: 0x00000000 dsisr: 0x40000000

etc., etc.

04-07-2009, 08:23 AM
dominulus: that is a very good report. I don't have a Mac to try it on but I'll pass it on to the SW guys.

Anyone else with a Mac having this problem?

bjbethke: I think this is an unintended result of the new layout of the file menu. It was a bit unorthodox from the beginning as the typical (to most graphics programs) functions of 'Open' & 'Import' , 'Save' & 'Save a copy As' were muddled together. So let's say you used 'Open' to open an image, when you saved it it would not save as an image, but rather as a PTN, MPW etc. I'll pass this along to the SW guys and see what can be done.

04-07-2009, 11:15 AM
Thanks Jeff,

I've imported that image successfully into 1.131, saved it,
and then opened the saved file into 1.134 with no problem
(the image is then in the pattern library),
but if I try to import that same image again into the pattern library
of 1.134, it's still crashing.


04-07-2009, 12:09 PM
There have been a few weird Mac related things recently that the SW guys are working on. I think having a good error report like you provided helps a lot.

Steven Alford
04-07-2009, 12:52 PM
Is this problem only related to the Mac, or is there anyone experiencing this on a PC?

04-14-2009, 06:31 PM
I have vista and can't import anything since I downloaded new version. What is the fix?:(:confused:

04-14-2009, 06:38 PM
I see where this problem still doesn't have a "FIX" posted. Can anyone suggest how to fix this problem?

04-14-2009, 08:48 PM
I just tried to import a picture into designer and it worked ok, I am using Vista 32 bit.


04-15-2009, 10:31 AM
I have vista and can't import anything since I downloaded new version.

OK. Can you be more specific? What does it do or not do. What exact steps are you taking when you try to import something?

04-15-2009, 08:23 PM
Your favorites.mpn could be bad.. as a test remove any *.mpn's in c:/user/carvewright/ to a new directory in the root and start Designer.
You now should be able to save your new images Ptn's ect.. however you will not be able to use your old favorites if you do this.


07-10-2009, 12:49 PM
I believe we have resolved the problem in 1.150. I am unable to reproduce the Mac problem on 1.150.

LG's suggestion may be something to try for both Mac and Vista if 1.150 doesn't resolve the issue.

bjbethke: We had never intended that opening image files the way you did, since they are not "native" CarveWright files. As a result, we recommend the File->Import approach. Is there a use case where being able open this way is a significant advantage? One new feature in 1.150 is that we remember the last used directory separately based on the types of file, so when you try to import an image it should go back to the same directory you last imported an image from.

07-10-2009, 03:27 PM
I believe we have resolved the problem in 1.150. I am unable to reproduce the Mac problem on 1.150.

LG's suggestion may be something to try for both Mac and Vista if 1.150 doesn't resolve the issue.

bjbethke: We had never intended that opening image files the way you did, since they are not "native" CarveWright files. As a result, we recommend the File->Import approach. Is there a use case where being able open this way is a significant advantage? One new feature in 1.150 is that we remember the last used directory separately based on the types of file, so when you try to import an image it should go back to the same directory you last imported an image from.

Ever since I had the Pattern Editor – up until version 1.132 I could select an Image and request Open with GUI, (I use Windows XP)
This worked great for me.
Since the last two versions 1.134 and 1.151 I get an error. And it does not open the pattern Editor, it opens in designer.
I can open the Pattern editor and select Import image, but by then the file that image was located is lost; I need to find the image again.

I made a work around by making a special Image folder to find the images when I need them. I have thousands of images stored on CD’s, SD’s and four or five other hard drives.

I very seldom Import images directly into the image designer function. 99% of the time I use the pattern editor to make my patterns.

It would be a very great help to open the images into the Pattern Editor or open them in the designer. It’s all about choices.

I like the way it was set up in the early versions.

Thanks BJB

07-10-2009, 04:21 PM
Mine was doing the same thing. I finally did a factory reinstall after working with Alex and also HP. once the install was done the problems came back when I attempted to recover my back up files for My Favorite. I had to wipe and reinstall a 2nd time still don't know what the issue was