View Full Version : Concentric rectangles

04-03-2009, 09:59 AM
Trying to make a project which requires a series of concentric rectangles , the first one at the original board height, second at 1/4 deep third at original board height, fourth at 1/4 deep etc. Cant seem to get the software to show more than two cuts. The third and fourth cover the second. Any ideas on what Im missing? Ive attached an mpc.

04-03-2009, 10:12 AM
Make the 3rd rectangle subtractive merge, & inverted.
Make the 4th (inner) rectangle a region at height 0, additive & inverted.

04-03-2009, 10:23 AM
Thanks Metallus, I keep forgetting about the Invert on things like that.

04-03-2009, 11:24 AM
[QUOTE=starman2;86445]Trying to make a project which requires a series of concentric rectangles , the first one at the original board height, second at 1/4 deep third at original board height, fourth at 1/4 deep etc. Cant seem to get the software to show more than two cuts. The third and fourth cover the second. Any ideas on what Im missing? Ive attached an mpc.[/QUOTEI I THINK THAT IF YOU WANT TO SEE DIFFERENT HEIGHT YOU HAVE TO SEE HOW MANY AND GO OR DECREASING THE DEEP OR INCREASING THE DEEP. ALSO YOU CAN PLAY WITH THE HEIGH. PROBABLY WHAT I AM TELLING IS NOT TRU BUT I GOING TO CHECK. I NOW IF IS NOT CORRECT SOMEBODY WILL TELL.

04-03-2009, 10:20 PM
Thanks Metallus....... did the trick just fine. Thanks to everyone else that replied as well.