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03-28-2009, 11:27 PM
I am using a Mac and version 1.131 and all is good. However, I downloaded version 1.133 to the desktop and 1.134 to the desk top but cannot get either to open the designer. I'm forgetting a step I spose but double clicking on the "designer_1_134.dmg on the desktop and then it's accompanying carveWright icon does not get me to the desighner. Any advice besides ask my granddaughter?

03-31-2009, 09:27 PM
I can't find the procedure in the FAQ so here goes. The project of the month comes as a zipped file. I have a Mac and don't know how to unzip it. Thanks much for any direction.

04-01-2009, 11:07 PM
I don't have the answer to this question but am bumping it back to the top so someone with a Mac can try to answer the question posted.

04-02-2009, 12:16 AM
Do you have Windows?

04-02-2009, 10:18 AM
I can't find the procedure in the FAQ so here goes. The project of the month comes as a zipped file. I have a Mac and don't know how to unzip it. Thanks much for any direction.

If you are using Mac OS X, just double click the ZIP file and OS X should unzip a folder by the same name in the exact same directory as the zip file location.

You have to be using Mac OS X if you are using the Designer Software

04-02-2009, 10:44 AM
Sometimes dbl-clicking a zip file works, and sometimes not. On my Windows system, dbl-clicking a zip file will make it attempt to open - not unzip. When that happens, I'll get a message that the "file is corrupt", which is not true, of course.

Here's a copy of a previous post I made earlier in another thread that may be helpful...(this was in response to a suggestion that project zipped files be provided as a "self-extracting" .exe)


Zipping files is consistent with industry standard computer file transfer procedures since 1986, so it is nothing new or unusual (been in use for over two decades!). The process of of unzipping files is a basic skill that all computer owners are normally familiar with, or at least should become familiar with. Sometimes having a "computer-savvy" buddy come over and show you the procedure is helpful for beginners. Probably take - I dunno - maybe 20 seconds to show you how it's done.:wink:

Most computers already come with an unzip utility (right-click the zipped file filename and it will most likely automatically show the option to "extract here" to unzip your file).

Some internet/email servers do not "like" certain file extensions (ptn for example) but the zip format is a standard that allows downloads to any computer without any problem. A project file set also contains a pdf instruction manual along with the project files, so the zip compression also helps minimize download times.

Your suggestion to have a self-extracting zip (.exe) might be a good one. However, that has it's own set of potential issues - some email program filters block exe files because they "think" it might be a virus. So it might be best to stick with the normal zip format. Nevertheless, I'll mention it to LHR to see what they feel is best.

*Special note to Mac users - Cntrl-Click (hold down the control key as you click) is the equivalent to PC right-clicking. (This functionality has been in place for many years - since OS 8.5 and higher.) You can also purchase a Mac mouse that has a true right-click function - it's called the Mighty Mouse made by Apple.

04-02-2009, 10:55 AM
The Mac version of the SW comes in a DMG (disk image). You have to mount the disk image, then open it up and copy Designer to your applications folder. There is an extensive 'How-To' in the new SW manual.

04-02-2009, 12:31 PM
Thanks Jeff, for pointing that out.