View Full Version : Multiple cuts

03-24-2009, 03:22 PM
I am making a sign for a church activity center on a 48" piece of dry 1X6. The bit I am using is the V60 and I am carving 5" letters with 1/4" space at top and bottom.

Having read a lot of the forum material I have lubed the shaft good and stopping to let it cool and clean out the dust....it is a 40 minute carve.

I did several searches on trying to find out how to make the sign in two passes so the bit does take so much stuff out.

Do I just make to duplicate patterns and set the bit to half of the default and then run it the second time with the default depth.


03-24-2009, 04:07 PM
If you use "Outline" you choose your v-60 bit , you have the chose to set the depth and depth per pass. 5" letters are alful big for the 60 deg. bit ,as they will carve very deep. Better to use a 90 deg. v-bit If you use "centerline , you have no chose as to depth as it depends on the width of the letter line. This mpc. was done with outline , with a 90 deg v-bit and three passes total.
later Daniel