View Full Version : Moving Window to Monitor 1

03-22-2009, 04:39 PM
HELP! I'm on the road and would love to use some of my downtime for designing projects, but I left the designer window on Monitor 2 and now I can't get the window to reappear on my laptop screen. The software doesn't check to see if the last monitor is still attached.


03-22-2009, 05:36 PM
HELP! I'm on the road and would love to use some of my downtime for designing projects, but I left the designer window on Monitor 2 and now I can't get the window to reappear on my laptop screen. The software doesn't check to see if the last monitor is still attached.

you might be a carvaholic

03-22-2009, 07:09 PM
I suppose you already thought of this, but I would barrow a monitor from the motel, hotel or cyberspace café for a few minutes, and move the application back to the laptop.

03-22-2009, 07:16 PM
You could go into your display properties and select "Single" monitor. You can change it back when you have your other monitor connected.

03-23-2009, 12:48 AM
I'm just starting after having the machine in my garage for over a year before turning it on. It IS addicting! I just wish it was faster, quieter and that it removed dust easier.

I already have the computer on one monitor. That's the problem. Designer doesn't check to see if it can really display the window. It just uses the last window position.

I don't have much free time until LATE or on plane to find a monitor. Maybe later this week during my business trip.

I think this need to be fixed.


03-23-2009, 02:31 AM
I'll do what dkarcher said. Right click on your desktop and go to display properties and disable dual monitor. Once you have one monitor the program will probably go back to monitor 1.

Or you can do this. Open designer, on the task bar you will see the application is running, right click on it and select restore, then right click again and select move (make sure not to move the mouse after this action), click and hold your left mouse button and drag it to the left or right depending on where your monitor 1 is positioned.

Hope this help.

03-23-2009, 06:55 AM
Quote: Or you can do this. Open designer, on the task bar you will see the application is running, right click on it and select restore, then right click again and select move (make sure not to move the mouse after this action), click and hold your left mouse button and drag it to the left or right depending on where your monitor 1 is positioned.
Thanks HT! That did work for me. My second monitor is normally watching TV, and I have a habit of leaving an application on it. Also this should work at the Church, which will allow us to restore an application left on the projection screen without having to turn it back on.
Every day I’m amazed at the talent, and knowledge that is shared on this Forum, thank you, everyone!

03-23-2009, 07:03 PM
I already did all that stuff a while ago with do luck.

Designer ignores whether or not the current window is in a visible viewport. This is a design issue.

Restore is not an option. It's grayed.

I tried using "MOVE" a while ago, but it didn't matter. Nothing moved. Maybe I need to connect a mouse instead of using the mouse pad.

I did find one thing that does work. I clicked on "maximize" and I was able to display the application window. That's what I'll have to do for now. It works.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions.
