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View Full Version : Jog To Position Function

03-05-2009, 03:03 PM
Trying to use the jog to position function. Have a project where one pattern did not turn out as I wanted. So in designer took the original design eliminated all patterns except for the one I wanted to redo. Made it a little deeper and wider.

However, when I try to jog to position at the front end of the pattern, it proceeds to allow me to do that and after touching the surface of the board, asks if I want to now go to the edge or center of the project. In either case I chose, it then asks for the X position which I believe is asking for a number.

I practiced this entire function on a clean board and it worked just as I thought. I jogged to the front position and it proceeded to carve without asking further questions.

What gives?

03-05-2009, 03:11 PM
If the machine asks you to type in a X position, you can press STOP and it will let you jog using the arrow keys.

03-05-2009, 04:14 PM
Glad to know that. Sure could not find that in the manual.

03-05-2009, 06:03 PM
Well I tried that and never could get it to give me the oppportunity to jog to the position where I wanted it to start carving - wanted to start at front right corner from view of facing the keyboard.

I seem to get to jog to touch position okay but then usually end up with an option to "jog to Project 1(Edge 2)Center and no matter which one of these I chose, it never provdes an opportunity to jog it to a starting point.

The time I've spent on this I could have recarved the pattern twice on optimal but now it is a matter of principle.

Any instructions, preferably step by step, would be appreciated.


03-06-2009, 08:44 AM
I seem to get to jog to touch position okay but then usually end up with an option to "jog to Project 1(Edge 2)Center and no matter which one of these I chose, it never provdes an opportunity to jog it to a starting point.

After the machine measures the board and asks you to position the project, selection 2 is "jog to position"

It will ask you to insert the 1/16" bit (this is for pointing purposes)

it will ask "jog to edge or center"
Selecting the number 1 or 2 should take you to a screen that says
"jog to (edge/center) position"
"##.###" long, x ##.###" wide"

Pressing any # key on the keypad at this time will take you to
"Enter X position"
">> 0"

Pressing STOP will take you back to the "jog to (edge/center) position" page.

The "jog to" page will let you use the arrows to move the bit around the board. Press STOP to abort, ENTER to continue.

Sometimes the keypad thinks you pressed a number key twice when you select the 1) edge or 2) center position, and you are taken immediately to the "enter x position" screen. Pressing stop should take you back to normal jogging.

If you get anything other than this behavior, call CW for support.