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View Full Version : Sanding Carvings

03-01-2009, 05:06 PM
I have been making some signs using the centerline package and the 90 deg bit. I love the signs that you can make with this. However, with some boards, I get some wood burn. It appears to appear in layers that have more than normal sap or moisture. The bit is new and everything works well. Does anyone know of any very small sander that will sand in the grooves of the carvings. I have about 25 signs to do and do not look forward to sanding all the lettering by hand. Any thoughts or recommendations would be welcome.

03-01-2009, 07:04 PM
i use a sonic scrubber that i pulled all the brissels off then put a pice of velcro on to attatch a pice of sand papper or sanding spong . . i dont know howe to post a link but if you typ in the serch box "sanding my projects when complete" the link will be there use the quotation marks at the beggining and the end when you typ it in . i also use a home made sanding mop to do some of the heaveyer sandding . hope this helps . have a good night . Tom H .

Rick P
03-02-2009, 01:11 AM
Apparently you are not going to paint the lettering, which would cover up any burn marks and you would not have to do any sanding at all.

Rick P
03-02-2009, 01:15 AM
I should have added that you use a mask and then you don't have to sand. If you do not use a mask then you paint the letters and run a sander over the top to clean up the paint that goes over the edges of the lettering or run it through a planer, if you have one.