View Full Version : Cutter feedrate too fast!

02-28-2009, 12:49 PM
I'm trying to do a pocket on my board so that I can glue a piece of walnet for a layered effect. I set my board dimension, then used the rectabgle tool to set the pocket size, then selected carve region and set my depth to .240"

Everythign looks good but when I load it in the machine the 1/8" cutter starts cutting far too fast! Last time I tried this it broke my cutter. I selected the "best" setting when uploading to the card. What am I missing? Lucky for me this time I seen what it was doing and was able to open the door in time before my cutter broke again. Also, how can I set it to use the 1/8" cutter? The machined asked for the 1/16" so I hit the down arrow till it showed 1/8" on the display and used that.


02-28-2009, 01:05 PM
Carve Region areas can ONLY be cut with the carving bit. The 1/8 inch cut path bit will SNAP just like it did last time. Even if you tell it to use the 1/8 inch bit or the 1/2 inch bit, it will STILL think it has the 1/16 inch bit. You can't change it.

SO with that said.... If you draw a rectangle and ASSIGN the 3/8 inch bit to that rectangle AND set the depth to .240 and let it GO it will make a rectangle OUTLINE .240 deep.

Now if you place lines in a zig zag moving slightly less than the thickness of the bit and rout out the rest of that rectangle by assigning the 3/8 bit as above you will get what you want.

Could be "Someday" the software guys will get board and make up a Vector Cut Carve Region Feature.... Where you draw a box, circle, Star, Triangle... Assign the 1/2 or 2/8 inch bottom cutting bit and the machine will act like a RoomBA Vacuum and make it's own path to give you a vector carve region.