View Full Version : Need Help making this pattern

02-26-2009, 12:10 PM
Hello I made a huge Om symbol for my wife a while back using a scroll saw and now she want's me to make one for her friend but smaller out of 1x12
I want to make a cut out not a carving here is a picture of the one I made so everyone can see what I mean...also I put in the orig jpeg and the one I mod to look like the one I cut out.I've been trying for two days to figure out away to make a pattern that just cuts out and would apreciate any help I could get
I figure my carvewright would make it a lot smoother than I can do on a scroll saw

Thanks Will

02-26-2009, 12:26 PM
You'll get it, trust me.

Note that I did not assign multiple cuts to the paths - and the size and thickness of my board and the size of your pattern are likely different.

02-26-2009, 04:36 PM
Hi Will,

I took the liberty of smoothing the edges of your image a bit.

Here's the Pattern (PTN) file and a Project (MPC) file.

The project is on a 10 x 10 board and the cut paths are grouped. So you can either make the board the size you need and drag the "Group" of cut paths to size or use the pattern to size it all the way you want.

Hope this helps.

02-26-2009, 05:20 PM
I'm not familiar with what an Om symbol is, can someone inlighten me? Sorry ,I'm not up to date on symbols.
later Daniel

02-26-2009, 05:51 PM
I'm not familiar with what an Om symbol is, can someone inlighten me? Sorry ,I'm not up to date on symbols.
later Daniel


02-26-2009, 06:03 PM
Thank you everyone for your help I really am greatful..
thanks will