View Full Version : Pictures?

02-08-2009, 08:13 PM
Hey guys i had a quick question,
i just bought a carvewright and its totally sweet i was just wondering though,
Is there a way to take a photo like off the computer and put it into the software so you could carve like a picture onto wood, just curious because i was thinking of a carving maybe for a birthday present for the wife of our vacation. Just a though.
Hope to hear from you guys

02-08-2009, 08:47 PM
My Avatar is the result of one of my first efforts to do just what you ask. I just pulled the jpeg into CW as a pattern and the machine did the rest. Now, I am sure there are ways to make a proper adjustment to jpegs to get a better job but for now this has been good enough for me. I have done one or two of grandchildren that turned out quite artsy. Try it, you'll like it.

02-08-2009, 10:22 PM
Keep in mind ,usually jpeg does not carve very good. Most of the people here have to take it into a photo program to get the voids out and change to png for carving.
later Daniel

02-09-2009, 09:00 AM
Hey guys i had a quick question,
i just bought a carvewright and its totally sweet i was just wondering though,
Is there a way to take a photo like off the computer and put it into the software so you could carve like a picture onto wood, just curious because i was thinking of a carving maybe for a birthday present for the wife of our vacation. Just a though.
Hope to hear from you guys

You may enjoy reading the Tips & Tricks issue # 11, August 2008 for a few pointers about photos on wood. Also, use the Search function here on the forum - - you'll find some more info sprinkled here and there.