View Full Version : How to

Michael Anthony
01-28-2009, 11:18 AM
How do I make all my lines connect? I am trying to draw an irregular pattern, but cannot get a cutout pattern because some of the lines show up yellow? how do I get all the lines to turn white?

01-28-2009, 11:39 AM

The point will "Flare" when it is set on another point, you will have to move the point that is not connected until you see the red markings appear around it. If the entire line shows white and you still can not make a carve region, click the "Select Depth Profile" and select one with an obvious end feature (you can click that icon again to remove the profile). This will show you which point is not connected if you can not otherwise tell.

Post the mpc and someone will help.

Michael Anthony
01-28-2009, 11:47 AM
Doc: this is not a carve per se it is a plain cut out it has 6 straight lines and 4 angled lines they all connect with a circle in the lower portion, correction the circle is seperate but inside the layout. can I upload a mpc the same as a picture?

01-28-2009, 12:02 PM

Yes, you can attach an mpc just like you would a jpg.

01-28-2009, 12:06 PM
Doc: this is not a carve per se it is a plain cut out it has 6 straight lines and 4 angled lines they all connect with a circle in the lower portion, correction the circle is seperate but inside the layout. can I upload a mpc the same as a picture?

Yes, you can upload an mpc just like any other supported file format.

However, connecting the lines should not be difficult. Simply click and drag the end of any line to the end of the one you want to connect with. You'll know when they are connected because a red "star" will appear at the juncture when you are aligned properly (each end point directly over each other). You can zoom in if you need to and see whether lines are connected or not, too.

Hope that helps. If not, upload your mpc so we can connect the lines for you.

Michael Anthony
01-28-2009, 02:47 PM
Well the frustration level just went up another notch, I know this should be very simple,but I am not getting a red "star" when I try to connect the lines together, must be something wrong with the software. I start with a line on the top left go to the right 17" down 4and 1/8 angle down and in for 3/4" at 45 degrees and so forth dont get a red star on any of the connections!!!:confused: And I have looked at every tutorial tips and tricks and help menu for the last three days ( on and off) and not one has a clear explanation on how to do this!

01-28-2009, 02:59 PM
Hello Michael,

I'm so sorry that the problem persists. Are you able to post the mpc for us to look at for you? Perhaps there is something in the file itself that is giving you (us) fits. Maybe we can spot something or at least share in your frustration!;)

Forgot to mention that BOTH lines must be active for them to be able to connect to each other! Sorry, but I think that was the problem all along - you may have only had one line active. (For grins - I checked, and that info is in the Designer HelpFile in the "Drawing" section.) Let us know if that did the trick for you.

(see photo - the red "starburst" is what should appear on your screen when lines are joined)

01-28-2009, 03:22 PM
Go to the corner of your project and right click and choose "select all".

This should highlight everything. Now zoom in and look for dots that are not connected. As others have said, drag one on top the other until a bright red star appears. Do this to all of them that don't appear as one dot.



01-29-2009, 08:45 AM
Michael, and anyone else that is interested. I have designed a small tutorial video that should answer this for you. I have tried to make it as simple as possible. If you have any problems let me know and I will try to answer them.
Anyone else need a custom tutorial? Don't be afraid to ask and I will try and get it out as quickly as possible. Also please let me know if this is a feasible operation. Don't forget to turn on your sound. Here is the link

Michael Anthony
01-29-2009, 09:35 AM
Thanks everyone for trying to help, I finally found the culprit a faulty mouse, somehow the contacts for the right click were not making contact all the time, some times it hit and sometimes it would miss, went to frys and purchased anew mouse (optical) and everything is working like its supposed to. For a while there I thought I would loose my sanity,(what little is left) I appologize for wasting everyones time!

01-29-2009, 10:46 AM

glad to see you figured out what was wrong

now get back to work on that blanket chest for your wife i cant wait to see the finished product

i also made the mistake of showing it to my wife and guess what got added to my list of thing to do before you go fishing again


Michael Anthony
01-29-2009, 11:16 AM
Kendall : I hear you, todays the day but not finished yet but real close, did a rose veneer inlay on the top and waiting for the laquer to dry so I can sand it yet again 6th coat now

01-29-2009, 11:52 AM
looks SWEET! VERY nice. :cool: