View Full Version : Patterns disappeared ?

Rick P
01-22-2009, 11:17 PM
I have had my CW over a month now and I collected a dozen or so patterns in Designer in a folder I called Misc. A few days ago I noticed all my patterns were gone...? Are they really gone? Anyone know what might have happened?
Even two horse patterns I purchase from Pattern Depot are gone.

01-23-2009, 01:04 AM
Have you recently updated your software to 1.132? If so you need to update your license for your patterns through the CW pattern site. As forth to your saved patterns have you reinstalled the designer recently? If so you will lose all your saved patterns. if not go into your document or where you store your downloads and look for your ptn.

Plus try opening all the section in your patterns.


01-23-2009, 05:16 AM
I have had my CW over a month now and I collected a dozen or so patterns in Designer in a folder I called Misc. A few days ago I noticed all my patterns were gone...? Are they really gone? Anyone know what might have happened?
Even two horse patterns I purchase from Pattern Depot are gone.

I use Windows XP and you can do a computer search for all files on your computer with an extension of .ptn. Just go into the start option and click on search. You can tell it to search for files with the ptn extension by typing in *.ptn , it should locate all your patterns on your computer and you will be able to see their location.


Rick P
01-25-2009, 07:05 PM
I did update to 1.132 and I did not know I would lose my patterns.
I will try updating the licenses.

01-25-2009, 07:33 PM
I never lost a single pattern with any upgrade all the way from 1.120..:confused:

Along with searching for your individual patterns (*ptn) as John suggests, also do a search for your "main" pattern file *mpn. The largest one should be it.