- Design Files
- Additional pattern files?
- Design Importing
- Software Update
- Drill Tool
- Sotware Error
- Carving Patterns available
- Importing from Corel
- Carve around pattern
- CarveWright Patterns
- Imported Images not being saved
- Metric preferences not being saved
- Lettering around an arch?
- Carving around a pattern
- question
- Save Error
- Dingbats
- How do I...
- Minimum board thickness
- Screwed up letter routing
- Carved Region...?
- Projects
- Torn and rough looking carvings...
- Messy letters
- Box and fingerjoints??
- Attachment parameter
- Routing Shapes
- Preoblems
- software upgrade
- Setting bit depth on text when using centerline mode.
- Save to Favorites/Favorite.....where????
- Kerning Letters
- software manual
- converting bitmaps
- New to the Group
- Fonts ???
- More architectural elements
- How to remove items from 'favorites'
- Corbels
- Cutting out shapes
- any news on the 3D scanner?
- Carving shapes
- Using Horizontal box
- Possible text clipping problem
- carvewright software
- Software Question
- Newbie question
- Pattern locked
- trying to cut out
- Mac Software
- Eraser Tool?
- Using insert Vertex on Sprial
- Unusual Materials
- pattern carving
- Help cutting a circular groove
- adding background surface/texture
- First Try at Making Patterns
- Mac Tutorial
- Group and resize on latest ver.
- Detail Loss in Carved region
- Assembling lines for cutout
- Carving/Cutting Sequence
- Carving A roof
- CAD education?
- Raised carving with Centerline Text
- Rotate Pattern
- Rotate lines or boxes
- Depth & Height
- Exact measurements on wood in designer as put in JPEG
- mpc. patterns
- Shrink "reverse magnify"
- Blocking out portion of screen.
- Tapering
- new pricing page
- cutting on Mirror
- Newbie here . Have question...
- Moving Text
- Request for software improvement
- Machine/Software Improvement
- Template Suggestion
- Rotate Board
- Tilting a Region and rounding corners
- Background image
- New Copy Offset option
- Don't really want to scale but ---
- Carvwright software or other???
- Bit Optimization??
- More on Fonts
- How to and why isn't it?
- New Text Recommendation
- Mortises
- How do I do this?
- Version 1.031 or something else?
- Under Rollers Question
- How to taper and/or step?
- Golf image
- Vector tools
- Vector software?
- spell ck
- Vector Library
- Search forum
- Size of letters question
- Select Bit - 1/16 Carving Bit
- Export to JPG or BMP
- software measurement vs actual output
- Import vector files/shapes?
- Exact Pattern Size
- carving star pattern
- After copy-offset Q. and Rotate Q.
- Using the library patterns
- How to remove waste in a drawing?
- Problems of rotating etc
- Is Sears unit basic or full version software?
- Animal Collection Clip Art
- The "Sine" Tool
- Trim feature
- Height question
- Carving both sides
- scaning probe software deletes some files
- Designs moving around
- CarveWright Software Manual in PDF format
- 3d Software
- Wish List
- Wish List Poll
- List of bits for a project
- Rounded corners on rect?
- Software update
- Software update again
- Software needs please
- Why does carve region not work for some objects?
- Software packages
- Missing in Action: Trim tool
- trial version of the software
- copying a corner to the three other corners
- How to break a circle or arc?
- imported graphics locations
- What's up with the updated software
- software update downloads
- quality
- 3d Vector art
- Amazing Conversation on your site
- Using Ecabinets with Carver
- A Head
- Upgrading Software from Demo
- Cutting through a thin board on a sled?
- Flash Card
- Advanced software
- change stock woodmaps and bumps
- New here with some questions
- Copy Offset
- Centerline path is irregular
- Is this what it suppose to look like?
- CarveWright Designer wishlist
- Drawing shape to be carved out
- Question about the software issue?
- Software questions
- Question on quality...
- Which raster to vector software is best?
- CarveWright Patterns converted to Bitmaps?
- a couple of questions
- Some new choices for woods/finishes
- Hello
- Help! Please
- Question about saving files
- Textures
- Texture and Dome?
- Flush mounting speakers
- .ptn file specification
- Hi
- Wood Templates
- Text Issue ??
- Customized Menus
- Copy Offset Feature Missing from Mac?
- Software Versions
- software versions
- Trial software
- Carving out from domed surface
- Patterns
- Texture libraries ...
- Pattern Bit Selection and Outlined Text Bit Questions...
- Software Question
- Trial software not giving me 30 days
- Cut path not highlighted
- Software
- Upload problems
- Rearrange Carving List?
- Tools that show, but aren't available ??
- Help with software
- built in image editor
- Lost projects
- software crashes
- Version 1.115 (full version) new options
- Discovered excellent free source of importable patterns
- Carving & Woodburning patterns
- Windows Vista
- Conversion Programs
- Vector/Raster Examples?
- LHR!! Please give us a straight answer on the new versions
- Purchasing CorelDraw or Xara
- Text Question
- 3D corbels
- software error
- Carving
- Screen Fatigue and Clutter.
- VIDEO Tutorial possible??
- New Arrival
- Installing Software
- centerline text
- Centering problem
- Text in a carved region
- Thoughts on thin letter problems
- Editing scans?
- Vector Software
- Info from card
- Importing .jpg files
- Tilt
- image in carve area
- Lost my 'favorites'
- converting ptn to mpc files
- Zara Xtreme and Xara 3D
- Problem Image
- Added a no grain background
- Better Image-Now What?
- text fonts & location
- Full Version Software
- Centerline text feature email I received today
- Image Size
- What I see in Designer, is Not what I Get...
- software installation problems
- Newbie - Import / Export Pattern Help
- Bit Optimization - Simple Question
- Some Basics
- Is this OK?
- Copy offset
- GUI Software crash for the Bard
- software help
- Centerline text (different kind of question)
- KeyHole Bit and Software Featue to Use It
- New CorelDraw Logo Tutorial
- Scanning Probe Software
- Download Scan Problem
- Connecting Pieces
- Floor Edges ??
- Have some Software Questions.