View Full Version : Designer (Upgrade)

  1. Designer 2.0
  2. Things I like about Designer 2.0
  3. Installation of Designer 2.01
  4. Bug reporting - designer 2.001
  5. 2.001 problems
  6. Decorate Text Size
  7. Project will no longer open
  8. Save a copy of your Designer 1 projects
  9. Designer 2.0
  10. Wondering if a change has been implemented when hanging a design off the project brd.
  11. Flip Feather
  12. Designer 2.002 Released
  13. File written by newer version error
  14. Timeline to fix 1.187?
  15. Looking toward future expansion
  16. Designer 2.002 lines
  17. Updated version of Control Logic
  18. More weird font issues
  19. Adding Z data to the Run LCD Screen in the future.
  20. MacBook issue??
  21. HELP 2.0 download
  22. Middle wheel on mouse zooms backwards
  23. designer 1.126 to 1.185?
  24. Hate wasting my time on computers that don't Work!
  25. Incredibly frustrated: GUI.EXE has stopped working
  26. Is 2.0 worth the price?
  27. New long bits question
  28. Wish list for Designer 2.0
  29. Creating Scroll saw patterns using CorelDraw X5
  30. Need help with a pattern
  31. Just Bought Designer 2.0...
  32. Creating new texture files
  33. "How cool is that!"
  34. FIX for Designer on MAVERICK OS for MAC with SLUGGISH FONT ISSUE
  35. Crashing Like Crazy.
  36. How substantial are improvements to Centerline text feature???
  37. Decorating with trext question
  38. Still demo'ing Designer 2.0.. fonts installed on my system are not working - Mac BUG?
  39. Text problems in 2.004
  40. Possible more issues with 2.004 on Mac
  41. reinstalling software on new computer??/
  42. Went to being stupid again
  43. making files
  44. placement of # on clock
  45. Designer 2.0 license
  46. designer 1.187 manual error
  47. What is the little red lock
  48. useing the sweep tool in 2.004
  49. bad e-mail
  50. 2.005
  51. Designer 2 not recognizing fonts
  52. Designer S/W Manual
  53. Designer 1.187 fonts
  54. Error Messages
  55. welding text
  56. Any info on upcoming vector abilities that have be "allegedly" alluded to by some
  57. Extrude
  58. What????
  59. Troubleshooting: Dual Wood Grain Textures Issue
  60. I have to re-register the software but won't let me......
  61. Question on Cutouts.
  62. 2.XXX and Add-Ons
  63. MPC compatability between 2.000x versions
  64. What's going on with my Designer?
  65. Vector Loop
  66. Won't upgrade to 2.007
  67. Undesirable Centerline text behavior
  68. Designer 2.007 and Sweep Rail Function
  69. Designer 2 Software Manual Update
  70. Designer 2 change in behavior Draft and Feather
  71. Using Tabs in ver 2.007
  72. Designer 3.0 - included with new machine purchases soon?
  73. Designer 3.0 and Vector Grouping feature
  74. Designer 3.0 is NOW AVAILABLE
  75. Designer 3.0 Pattern along a path
  76. Designer 3.0 costs what?
  77. Path offset work on Demo version of 3.0?
  78. Designer 3.0 activation issues
  79. Can't open any mpc's
  80. noticed issue with Stain/Finish in Designer 3.0
  81. An AHA! moment. Time to fall back and regroup.
  82. Multiple Computer Upgrade
  83. Project designer...just wondering
  84. Duplicated folders
  85. Designer 3 . I don't really see a big difference
  86. Vector drawings
  87. 2.006 question
  88. Removal and instal on new computer for 2 computer limit
  89. Vcarve import? Software Compatibility?
  90. Designer 3.0 Help
  91. TRansfering to a Mac, big mistake,
  92. Designer 3.1
  93. Can't rotate selection?
  94. 2.007 Won't open on the new Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite
  95. Wont Scale
  96. Designer 3.0
  97. Wow now what
  98. Just wondering...
  99. Just for information
  100. Mac OS requirements for Designer 2 & 3?????
  101. A quick question on 3.0
  102. making a spoon
  103. •Flow text around lines
  104. Red Lion Tutorial Issues
  105. Designer 2 & 3 Users - Update Notification
  106. How to load 3.01 on windows vista
  107. What causes this in Vista
  108. Updated to 3.102
  109. Pierced not fully piercing - in Designer 3.102
  110. Export Favorites?
  111. Just updated to 3.102
  112. How to unlock a copied MPC
  113. demo mode
  114. Lost litho view
  115. How to get patterns saved in one computer into the pattern list of 2nd computer?
  116. help
  117. Any way to control the order of execution of carving objects and regions?
  118. Need Help
  119. Saving in different file types
  120. Is DXF different?
  121. What is Designer Pro
  122. Files moved or missing
  123. Install Error
  124. Open with preview
  125. Designer Software
  126. Just upgraded to Designer 3- getting message that carve is too deep to carve?
  127. Upgraded to Designer Pro and old designs take longer and are not as clean!
  128. Place tab button
  129. Logo on Chevron
  130. Carving pattern larger than machine limit...
  131. Is a feature like a Centerline Vcarve going to show up within Designer?
  132. Upgrading basic to 3.0?
  133. Nominal or Actual Board Thickness?
  134. Back to Demo Mode on PC!?
  135. software won't open
  136. 1/16" vs. 1/32"
  137. Constraint numbers
  138. 1.188 vs. 3.1 ??
  139. Software vs Firmware
  140. Deactivate the pan tool
  141. Vertex tutorials
  142. License reset
  143. Receiving error: Font Generator Version does not match Designer version:GOT NONEs.b.3
  144. Help with cut path
  145. Holes in a Circle
  146. Import license failure
  147. lithopane question
  148. Older Versions
  149. Mac Spinning Wheel of Death when using contextual pull down menus.
  150. Export object as PTN, and subtracting area from carve region
  151. Object carve regions do not match
  152. Wishful thinking- what I'd like to see in software that is called "Pro"
  153. Question about Jogging to position
  154. Designer Pro "Select Materials"
  155. Mac problems
  156. unable to drag pattern
  157. Designer Pro And Add-On Modules
  158. Unable to Downgrade to Mojave
  159. Working with D-1.88
  160. Designer 1.188 Licensed Patterns Missing after Windows 11 Pro Upgrade
  161. Designer 4 question
  162. Designer 4 opens too large for my screen
  163. Designer 4 question
  164. Designer 4 depth questions on Mac
  165. Designer 4 Not Working on latest Mac OS upgrade
  166. Designer 4 updates?