- Designer 2.0
- Things I like about Designer 2.0
- Installation of Designer 2.01
- Bug reporting - designer 2.001
- 2.001 problems
- Decorate Text Size
- Project will no longer open
- Save a copy of your Designer 1 projects
- Designer 2.0
- Wondering if a change has been implemented when hanging a design off the project brd.
- Flip Feather
- Designer 2.002 Released
- File written by newer version error
- Timeline to fix 1.187?
- Looking toward future expansion
- Designer 2.002 lines
- Updated version of Control Logic
- More weird font issues
- Adding Z data to the Run LCD Screen in the future.
- MacBook issue??
- HELP 2.0 download
- Middle wheel on mouse zooms backwards
- designer 1.126 to 1.185?
- Hate wasting my time on computers that don't Work!
- Incredibly frustrated: GUI.EXE has stopped working
- Is 2.0 worth the price?
- New long bits question
- Wish list for Designer 2.0
- Creating Scroll saw patterns using CorelDraw X5
- Need help with a pattern
- Just Bought Designer 2.0...
- Creating new texture files
- "How cool is that!"
- Crashing Like Crazy.
- How substantial are improvements to Centerline text feature???
- Decorating with trext question
- Still demo'ing Designer 2.0.. fonts installed on my system are not working - Mac BUG?
- Text problems in 2.004
- Possible more issues with 2.004 on Mac
- reinstalling software on new computer??/
- Went to being stupid again
- making files
- placement of # on clock
- Designer 2.0 license
- designer 1.187 manual error
- What is the little red lock
- useing the sweep tool in 2.004
- bad e-mail
- 2.005
- Designer 2 not recognizing fonts
- Designer S/W Manual
- Designer 1.187 fonts
- Error Messages
- welding text
- Any info on upcoming vector abilities that have be "allegedly" alluded to by some
- Extrude
- What????
- Troubleshooting: Dual Wood Grain Textures Issue
- I have to re-register the software but won't let me......
- Question on Cutouts.
- 2.XXX and Add-Ons
- MPC compatability between 2.000x versions
- What's going on with my Designer?
- Vector Loop
- Won't upgrade to 2.007
- Undesirable Centerline text behavior
- Designer 2.007 and Sweep Rail Function
- Designer 2 Software Manual Update
- Designer 2 change in behavior Draft and Feather
- Using Tabs in ver 2.007
- Designer 3.0 - included with new machine purchases soon?
- Designer 3.0 and Vector Grouping feature
- Designer 3.0 is NOW AVAILABLE
- Designer 3.0 Pattern along a path
- Designer 3.0 costs what?
- Path offset work on Demo version of 3.0?
- Designer 3.0 activation issues
- Can't open any mpc's
- noticed issue with Stain/Finish in Designer 3.0
- An AHA! moment. Time to fall back and regroup.
- Multiple Computer Upgrade
- Project designer...just wondering
- Duplicated folders
- Designer 3 . I don't really see a big difference
- Vector drawings
- 2.006 question
- Removal and instal on new computer for 2 computer limit
- Vcarve import? Software Compatibility?
- Designer 3.0 Help
- TRansfering to a Mac, big mistake,
- Designer 3.1
- Can't rotate selection?
- 2.007 Won't open on the new Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite
- Wont Scale
- Designer 3.0
- Wow now what
- Just wondering...
- Just for information
- Mac OS requirements for Designer 2 & 3?????
- A quick question on 3.0
- making a spoon
- •Flow text around lines
- Red Lion Tutorial Issues
- Designer 2 & 3 Users - Update Notification
- How to load 3.01 on windows vista
- What causes this in Vista
- Updated to 3.102
- Pierced not fully piercing - in Designer 3.102
- Export Favorites?
- Just updated to 3.102
- How to unlock a copied MPC
- demo mode
- Lost litho view
- How to get patterns saved in one computer into the pattern list of 2nd computer?
- help
- Any way to control the order of execution of carving objects and regions?
- Need Help
- Saving in different file types
- Is DXF different?
- What is Designer Pro
- Files moved or missing
- Install Error
- Open with preview
- Designer Software
- Just upgraded to Designer 3- getting message that carve is too deep to carve?
- Upgraded to Designer Pro and old designs take longer and are not as clean!
- Place tab button
- Logo on Chevron
- Carving pattern larger than machine limit...
- Is a feature like a Centerline Vcarve going to show up within Designer?
- Upgrading basic to 3.0?
- Nominal or Actual Board Thickness?
- Back to Demo Mode on PC!?
- software won't open
- 1/16" vs. 1/32"
- Constraint numbers
- 1.188 vs. 3.1 ??
- Software vs Firmware
- Deactivate the pan tool
- Vertex tutorials
- License reset
- Receiving error: Font Generator Version does not match Designer version:GOT NONEs.b.3
- Help with cut path
- Holes in a Circle
- Import license failure
- lithopane question
- Older Versions
- Mac Spinning Wheel of Death when using contextual pull down menus.
- Export object as PTN, and subtracting area from carve region
- Object carve regions do not match
- Wishful thinking- what I'd like to see in software that is called "Pro"
- Question about Jogging to position
- Designer Pro "Select Materials"
- Mac problems
- unable to drag pattern
- Designer Pro And Add-On Modules
- Unable to Downgrade to Mojave
- Working with D-1.88
- Designer 1.188 Licensed Patterns Missing after Windows 11 Pro Upgrade
- Designer 4 question
- Designer 4 opens too large for my screen
- Designer 4 question
- Designer 4 depth questions on Mac
- Designer 4 Not Working on latest Mac OS upgrade
- Designer 4 updates?