View Full Version : 3D Pattern Modeling Suite

  1. 3d patterns
  2. 3D Modeling question
  3. offset copy question
  4. Wacom Tablet
  5. New 3D software question?
  6. How to create a fish contour using "puffing"
  7. Captured Heart
  8. Rail Sweep Modeling Tool for the CarveWright 3D Modeling Suite
  9. new software
  10. Just playing around ...
  11. 3D advanced software
  12. 3D advanced software
  13. 3D advanced software
  14. Texture on top of bubble
  15. Just Purchased the 3d modeling suite. Need guidance.
  16. playing with the 3-d
  17. 3 D extrude mode troubles
  18. Puffing Bug
  19. Sweep rail shell
  20. bergerud's rubber wooden duck
  21. Rail Sweeps with circles
  22. Goruping changes my puffing and merge
  23. 3D Corner Sweep - Possible bug
  24. 2d and 3d software and old designer
  25. not understanding 3-d
  26. Puff Between Curves
  27. Rail sweep question
  28. More questions than answers
  29. Gonna bite the bullet
  30. Send in the Drones.
  31. Sweep function
  32. Revolve Tool
  33. 3D Tools Cross Section Windows, Fractions, and Snap in Designer 3
  34. what version of designer do you need?
  35. Darn drones
  36. 3D modeling tools.
  37. Graphics Card??????
  38. Pattern specialist
  39. Is it possible to extrude along a curved path?