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Thread: Return

  1. Angry Return

    Guys I am torn between wasting 20% on this machine or try to deal with the people and lousy policy on parts. I got my brand new Carvewright CX machine and after two weeks 6 hours of usage, the X axes gears broke. I would look forward to hearing your opinions on this matter. The second issue that really sent me over the edge is that Carvewright is replacing the gear but will only send it USPS ground. I just paid them almost 3K for this machine that now I can't use. This policy is the reason I am thinking about returning the machine and being done with Carvewright. Opinions are welcome. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    It is my opinion that is was operator error that broke the X Gear. Likely caused by a sub standard board in the shape of a wedge that jammed the X to the point of snapping the gears. Normally you get a X Overload warning the first time. But if you reset and continue to use the same sub standard board then the gear will snap. I too snapped X Gears in the beginning.

    As far as being upset that the part is being sent USPS Ground is a little over the top... In my opinion you broke the machine and LHR is going above and beyond to replace the gear free.

    This machine is going to require you to keep up on Preventive Maintenance. Expect to replace the Cut Motor Brushes and the 2 bearings in the Y Gearbox every 250 cut hours. Failure to do so could result in the cut motor stopping and snapping a bit. Failure to keep up on the maintenance of the Y Gearbox will result in the Y cutting off in left field on a project when the bearings freeze and the shaft wears and lets the servo motor skip some teeth.

    You will also need to order some Lube for the Flex Shaft and monitor the heat of the outer flex. When you feel it get warm after a carve do the lubrication as per the LHR Instructions. Failure to use the proper lube could result in the flex snapping or too much lube could get into the Truck Bearings that is why you need to follow the instructions.

    The FSC Cable, that flat cable connecting the Truck is copper and in MY opinion is a CONSUMABLE as it can only bend so many times before the copper inside snaps. Leading to Intermittent problems of the Board Sensor reading problems and the Z cutting TOO Deep or an AIR Carve when it goes bad. SO ORDER 2 with your next order to have them on hand to save on shipping and down time.

    Just giving you this info to help you decide if this machine is just too much for you to handle.

    It is just part of the learning process with the machine... Like the 7 inch rule of wood, Scaling, and a bunch of other stuff you will need to understand to be happy with the machine.

    WE are here to HELP.... IF you ASK, we will help you learn... WE have all been there...

    Good luck with your decision.

    AL User since 2007.
    Last edited by Digitalwoodshop; 02-21-2019 at 12:29 PM.
    Favorite Saying.... "It's ALL About the Brass Roller"..... And "Use MASKING TAPE" for board skipping in the X or breaking bits.

    Follow ME on Facebook

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Al is offering up some great and helpful information.

    I'll add a little to it too .
    CNC equipment is different than a 1950s table saw, it requires a lot more from the owner, and it's easy to make costly mistakes.
    Expensive industrial machines are no different than small or light duty machines, they all require the same things.

    I work on large CNC router that cost hundreds of thousand of dollars.
    An operator error can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
    And they also require a lot of maintenance. And tens of thousands of dollars of part to be kept in inventory to keep them running well.

    The Carvewight is no different, just scaled down a bunch.

    Carvewright machines are very capable, and compared to other machines they are inexpensive.
    They are not for everyone, but even those of us who are happy with them have also been occasionally frustrated by them.
    I've never once felt like I didn't get good customer service from LHR.
    And the forum community has always been extremely helpful.

    It's hard to say if you should keep it or return it.
    No doubt about it, there is a learning curve. And you'll need to invest some time into learning.
    You get out what you put in for effort.
    It just depends on what your expectations are.

    Justin Pierce, aka spalted
    *Pattern Editor (Probe) * Centerline * Dxf Import * STL Importer * Version 3 Standalone * Advanced 3D * Advanced 2D * Conforming Vectors * Rotary *C Machine *Rock Chuck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Nuevo, CA


    Don't know why your X gear broke - like Al, I have been doing this since 2007. I have two machines, one with 1600 hrs. and the other over 2000 hrs. I have replaced many parts, and like Al I have a bunch of spare parts on hand to minimize down time. I have never had to replace the X gear however. The people at CarveWright are great to work with and always helpful, but it is not a large company and they need to stay in business. I do a lot of shipping and it ain't cheep, so I don't complain about their shipping cost of policy. In my opinion, if you return your machine and give up, you are missing some great fun. I am addicted and I don't think I am the only one. I am a StartU member and talk to and help many new users and they are mostly enthusiastic.
    CarveWright StartU team member
    Web Site

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Newport, WA


    I've had a few X-stalls which were all caused by pushing the slide plate too tight to the board. If a person did this routinely I could see it breaking an X gear. I don't think that the slide plate should really touch the board. It can't possible hold the board straight once the head is brought down with 90 pounds of pressure applied and with sandpaper or rubber gripping it.

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