carpercm, you have a clean logo. There are multiple ways to accomplish the pattern. All with pros and cons. Because its a relatively simple logo, I believe the easiest way is to use a 2d program to normalize the colors for conversion into the designer software.
Use your 2d software to convert to grey scale. Once its grey scale you have to make a decision on the depth of the cuts. Should they all be the same level? The software translates the grey scale (black to white) as 0-1 (0-100%) in height (depth of cut).
Because this will be a multi-board project you also need to think how you are going to align the pattern for carving on the board. Do you want some overlap that will need to be cut off on a table saw?
I recommend using 4 boards. Use snap to grid and resize the pattern to 48 inches and start at one edge and move by 25% for each board. I have limited experience with multi-board projects so hopefully more knowledgeable folks can pass on their techniques and points to be aware of on these types of projects.
Enclosed is a very quick translation of the logo. The depth of cut is the same across the entire logo. I think different colored epoxies to fill the cut would look pretty cool.
Thank you for the help. So if I understand, Black would be the lowest height of the carve and white the highest right?
You are correct.![]()
But play with the software. It has some pretty cool capabilities once you master the basics.