Last week, I went to upload a project to my memory card on my desktop and got the message the card could not be initialized. I tried all 3 of my cards and the same. I did the same with my second reader and still no work. I went to my laptop and was able to upload no problem to any card using either of my readers. Well, yesterday I went to upload a project from my laptop and now amd getting the same thing on it. I even tried installing the basic software on my wifes laptop with the same results.

Iam running Windows 10 and was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue? Thinking there may have been an update or something that may be causing this. I know the memory cards are good because I just went to my machine and was able to read all 3 of them no problems.

Anyone have any suggestions. I am trying to find a Windows 7 PC around here somewhere to also try but figuried I would check with the experts first. I do not want to drive all the way over to Rockler to get a new reader only to find it is not the issue.

Thanks for any assistance, it will be greatly appreciated.
