This machine is determined to prevent me from completing my annual Christmas carving gifts to my kids and in-laws.
Yesterday, advice from this forum got me running again after the E-06 0313 error message. I used the dime trick to repair the touch plate next to the roller. That worked. Just an hour ago while the machine was carving the carve went crazy and went off the pattern. Reloaded the pattern and after it measured the board, I went through the bit drill -- first the 90 degree bit, then the router bit, and then when it went to the cutting bit, it the truck, continued to dip to touch the plate until I got the message of Homing Problem Y Axis. Now when I redo the entire procedure, it again stops at the cutting bit but ths time the machine makes a noise like something is trying to run, a humming or whatever and then the message occurs again.

All help appreciated.